Bumblefoot is such a frustrating condition because it's so hard to get rid of, simply because it's caused/made worse by pressure on the same areas, and how does a bird not put pressure on the bottom of their feet, or in this case their ankles, as they are just like people, they each stand a certain way and put pressure on certain spots...Just like the souls and heels of our shoes wear-out in a pattern that is specific to each, individual person (I wear a lot of boots with small, chunky heels, and on each foot the outside edge of each heel starts almost immediately wearing, so that I'm walking on an angled heel within a week or two of buying new boots; I'm walking on a paved parking lot all day long at the car dealership)...drives me nuts, I'm constantly putting new heels on my boots...
****I saw an episode of "Dr. K's Exotic Animal ER" where they have their own in-house, portable Laser unit that they use to treat ALL wounds, new surgical sites/incisions, damaged scales on reptiles, and on every single case of Bumblefoot that comes through the door, and they have basically found that the Laser is the ONLY treatment that actually really does "cure" the Bumblefoot within a few weeks of treatment...The owners of the pets with Bumblefoot (not just birds but also very common in Rats, Guinea Pigs, Ferrets, etc) will swing by the Veterinary Office once a day, every day (skipping Sundays) so that the Bumblefoot can be quickly Lasered (a treatment takes all of 5-10 minutes), and within a month the Bumblefoot is completely gone...And that's with the animal still walking/standing on it normally every day. They showed a pet Rat that had the worst case of Bumblefoot I've ever seen on BOTH of his poor little feet, it was on his heels and it was horribly swollen and just looked so sore, it basically took over his entire feet...And then a month later his feet were normal, just from the once-daily Laser Treatments!!!
The Laser treatments simply increase the blood-supply to the area to speed the healing process by as much as 90% according to the show...They all use the Laser on themselves all day long, lol. Anytime any of the employees have a cut or open wound, sore muscles, bruises, sprains, tennis elbow in one case, etc., they just grab the little Laser and treat themselves with it once a day, and they all swear by it. It works so well that the Everglades Wildlife Rescue and Sanctuary has someone from Dr. K's office bring the Laser to their facility to treat all of their animals with injuries/wounds to speed their healing so they can be released back into the wild sooner...in the episode I saw Dr. K brought the Laser unit to the Everglades Wildlife Rescue to treat a bunch of wild Pelicans that were all there due to getting their bills/beaks caught in fishing line and hooks, which causes horrible and very large tears inside of their mouths and often down their necks/throats and on their faces...And damn if that little Laser once a day for a week didn't completely heal some of the most awful and huge open wounds on these poor Pelican's faces and necks...
So it's all about finding a Veterinary Office that has a Laser unit that they use to treat wounds...I don't know how common they are, but they aren't like huge lasers or anything, it's a very small, portable unit that reminds me of a portable "JumpBox" that you use to jump-start cars with. It actually looks very much like a JumpBox in shape and size, except it has a little "wand" on a cord that is the part you use to treat the wounds...I would imagine that if you live in any metropolitan area or anywhere near a Veterinary Medical School/Hospital, there will be Veterinary Offices and Hospitals that have them, specifically Exotic Animal Hospitals and offices...And certainly any and all Veterinary Medical Schools and teaching hospitals have them...