Vitamin A anyone?

:D My mom puts lettuce in Crickets dish just to watch her fling it to find the good stuff at the bottom of the bowel LOL

I hope you hand her the broom and dust pan afterwards too :D
You gotta hand it to your Mum, she's very determined :D :D . It reflects well on you and all your hard work you've done with Cricket, You shouldn't have done so well with her. Then your mum wouldn't want her so much. :D
LOL... no, she said she wont do it until I sign the bird over to her.:headwall:

Hey just a random question how old is Cricket? has she gone through breeding season yet? and has your mom seen it? lol
Hey just a random question how old is Cricket? has she gone through breeding season yet? and has your mom seen it? lol

THAT'S AN AMAZING QUESTION MEGHAN!!! :D -- Cricket is like a year old, and has yet to reach maturity ...

Chi, I think that you should leave Cricket with your mom for a week next spring ... she if she wants to keep Cricket after that ...
Don't we just love that time of year :eek: I have made my mind up that Kito is not gonna go through that oh no. :D Bucc can be a real nightmare, turns into the devil :eek:
Well it's finally happened...the thread-jackers thread has been jacked... :D :p
Minzer, who are you calling a "thread-jacker"? :D :D
Hmmmmmm let me think about that one for a while. :D :D
I am now an official self proclaimed "birdy chef"'s proof (hopefully the picture loads correctly...if not, I'll try again)! If he doesn't get his Vitamin A out of this...he never will get it out of the vet is saying it's environmental and he's probably too dry though, so he wanted me to get "Bird Rain" which is water with aloe in it...I think I can put aloe in water. But anyway, the good food won't hurt. He's been making these terrible breathing noises since his procedure though because his trachea is inflamed, I'm giving him the pain med/anti-inflammatory and it should go down in a few days...poor guy. Started to bite again today, he must be feeling more spunky ;)

Well its certainly good enough to eat, Kito was sitting with me and as soon as he saw this he was over at the screen trying to eat it. :eek: Crazy Bird. Bucc has given it his seal of approval by sitting here saying Yum Yum, Bucc likes that. Guess I'll be doing him some fruit and veggies NOW then. :D :D

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