Vinny LOVES the shower now!


New member
Jul 19, 2012
St. Louis, MO
TESLA-Congo African Grey
VINNY - Vasmaeri Eclectus
It took a little bit for him to realize how awesome a shower was but today he finally got the idea and started dancing around. :)

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I also realized later that I had this thing installed upside down!!! It's a wonder I can get dressed in the morning....doh!!
That is such a cute picture! You should enter it into a photo contest!
AWW that is too precious. I have the same perch!! and I put it upside down also hahaha!!! Nalani loves it!!!. she does scream for a bit, but she fluffs up and starts dancing. The steam really helps with her dry skin so she comes in the shower with me almost every day.
wow what an awesome pic, he looks like ge is having a blast. i had to look twice at the pic as it is so bright and beautiful i thought it was an animation.
you truley have a beautiful boy there
That is such a cute picture!!! Glad he loved his shower :)
I love the photo!!! Gilbert also loves showers but i haven't done more than a quick phone pic of him in the shower.
Fabulous picture! Thanks for sharing. My husband is really hoping Coqui will someday shower with him. Here's hoping.
That picture cracked me up. Thanks for sharing.:D:)

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