Video's - Birds Talking - Singing - Playing

Mishka has got the kissing bug LoL and reckons he know exactly who is who

[ame=]Amazing Talking African Grey Mishka - Wants to kiss (and who is what) - YouTube[/ame]
Steven has been offered an Internship in Cape Town with Sports Illustrated Magazine.
We were discussing where in Cape Town he could possibly stay.

This video just proves how birds listen to our conversations.

[ame=]Amazing Talking African Grey Mishka - Telling me where he wants to go - YouTube[/ame]
So I'm sure most of you grey guardians have heard "the growl" as well as guardians of other species. For those that haven't, this one is for you.

I was chatting with a friend and got to missing my guitar which I haven't touched in decades. I dug it out of the closest and Jasper was not liking this strange new thing.
[ame=""]Growling African Grey - YouTube[/ame]
Mishka has been saying these words in different sentences.
Today he said them all together for the first time ever
So proud of my baby boy !!!!

[ame=]Mishka's Longest Saying Sentence Ever - YouTube[/ame]
You've done such a good job with him, I never get tired of watching him.

I suppose bathrooms in other towns are more exciting than at home?

Glad you enjoy his vid's Wulfgeist :D

With Mishka I never know....
In the morning HE decides WHERE he wants to have him Morning Bomb
Sometimes it's in his potty, other times in the bath
The worst is I have to wait for him to walk to either location.

When in the lounge he has no problem sitting on the potty at all.

I made a recording of exactly how I used to say to Mishka
Mommy I want to go to Cape town, to the bathroom, to shower in the water and the bubbles.
I then put the two voice clips together on Windows Movie Maker

OMG he says it almost exactly the way I do..... scary

[ame=]Amazing Talking African Grey Mishka - & Mommy saying a sentence together - YouTube[/ame]
Rosie here but says little. She likes to say Hi Honey every morning to me. She also meows back to me and her newest is Awwwww.
[ame=""]Hi Honey - YouTube[/ame]
Rosie is getting cuter each day.....
Hi honey....every morning you are sure being spoilt by Rosie
I love her imitating Christine, sounds just like a proper cat LoL
Yes Wulf there is a kitty here. When I call kitty saying Christine, Rosie will moew. So far kitty does not make bird sounds.
Early this morning I mentioned to Mishka that Steven is still sleeping
Mishka obviously thought his request was an emergency LoL

[ame=]Amazing Talking African Grey Mishkla - Calling Stevie Boy quickly - YouTube[/ame]
Our birds are obsessed with the word Poopy. It is amazing how you can ask Mishka to say something and he does!!

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