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Just a suggestion, but why don't you put a deposit down on her so that you know that you'll get her? I only say this because it really does seem like you've formed a bond with this bird, or that this bird "picked you", and that's a special thing when it happens. And he's already been sold once and brought back, so if you're talking about waiting another week or two before you can bring her home, and this is all simply because you're waiting for the cage to be shipped, then you really should just put a deposit down or even pay for the bird in-full (if that is what Petco requires, I don't know their policy), and then they'll put a "Sold" sign on him and you won't have to worry about losing this bird that you've already formed a bond with...
I mean, just my opinion, but seriously, you're choosing the bird that you're going to bring into your family and that is going to be your close companion for 30-40 years! This isn't a situation where you want to "bring home the back-up choice"! It's a huge decision, and if you've already bonded with a certain bird, just reserve him so he's yours for certain...And I say this because otherwise I can absolutely guarantee you that if this bird is sold in the next week or two while you're waiting for the cage to come in, you're going to be regretting this forever and thinking about "what if" forever, even if you buy your "back-up" choice of birds...That's a horrible feeling to live with...
Also, on the Petco thing, I am very close to the Animal Manager of my local Petco, and we've talked at length about their hand-fed parrots, meaning the Conures and the Cockatiels (they won't sell any bird larger than a Jenday Conure since that Chlamydia-outbreak about a decade ago)...And as such, I can tell you that they do no any longer get their hand-fed parrots from "Bird-Mills" like they did prior to that whole situation (before the chlamydia outbreak that Petco, Petsmart, Petland, etc. had due to a handful of vendors that they all used, they sold parrots as large as Macaws and Cockatoos)...I can't speak for Petsmart (and I don't think that most Petsmarts even sell any parrots at all anymore except for Budgies), but as far as Petco goes, they only use a small number of smaller breeders for their parrots, they are checked/swabbed for disease, and the birds do all see a Vet prior to arriving at the store...So it's not the same awful situation that it once was...
The only thing that I don't like about the "vendors", as she calls them, that Petco gets their hand-fed birds from is that they don't actually "hand-raise" or "hand-feed" the baby birds, there are too many to do that...The babies are all pulled from the parents at 2 weeks old and put into very large Brooders, with each Brooder holding dozens of babies...But due to the massive number of parrots they breed, instead of "hand-feeding" and actually "hand-raising" their babies, they simply "Tube-Feed" them on a very strictly timed, assembly-line type of set-up...I don't like Tube-Feeding baby birds at all unless it's being done for a medical reason and it's necessary. When it's being done to save time, money, and manpower, well, it's just not cool. But as far as the babies being healthy, I don't think there is a problem with that any longer at all...
Also, I got ahold of Petco, they would hold the bird only for 24-48 hours. There is no pay in full or deposit.