very strange mutation lovebird--need help with mutation pls!!

She is gorgeous. I would have grabbed her in a heartbeat as well.:D
Sorry crimson, but they can't always figure out the cause of red suffusion! It's usually believed to be kidneys, but I've known owners who have done blood panels on their red suffusion lovebirds and everything came back normal! The birds were obviously not ok!

I don't mean to scare you, but PBFD can also do that to feathers... although lovebirds tend to be one of the hardier species when it comes to that nasty disease... not sure why.

I have heard some people have had great success using aloe detoxes.
Good gracious, what a pretty bird!!! I do hope that it is just a lucky mutation and nothing else.
Pse post more pics of her when you can. I'd love to see more!
That is the most beautiful lovebird wow i wish i had one like that!!!!
It's beautiful!!! I have never seen anything like that in a lovebird!
She looks so healthy, I'm sure it's just a mutation. She's beautiful too! Man, she's pretty!

Good luck!
Is there an update on this? Is she healthy?
I was just wondering about this case and decided to see if I could find it. One of my green cheeks has some black bars on her wings that the breeder told me was normal, but I no longer believe that. I am looking around, it just reminded me of this and I wondered if she ever found out. I really hope it was a mutation not a health problem.
I assume everything was fine... as she would mention "Tie Dye" talking about things besides health I think I remember. You can look back into Beth's (crimson) posts and find her threads there :)
Oh my gosh I hope it's not sick because that bird is so beautiful!
WOW Id be in love too :)
Hi everyone :)....I've been off here for quite some time.
just to let you know that Tie-Dye is doing excellent, and has fallen in love with Sunrise.
@silversage, referring to your post about the black bars on her wings, my conure Flare had that, but no longer.
the black has disappeared, I am guessing it was due to lack of nutrition. previous owner only fed her sun flower seeds and wild bird seed, which could have been the cause but not confirmed.
thanks for wondering:D
bye for now...p.s. Num Num is doing wonderfully!! :D:D

Hi Beth! Thanks! Don't be too much of a stranger ;) Glad Num Num's well.
Thanks for letting us know!

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