Very smart crow

now that's one smart bird
I loved it!! Thanks for sharing.
I've seen other studies on crows too, and it's so amazing it makes me wonder if they're actually smarter than parrots.... and some humans too hehe
I think they might be smarter than parrots, just from my observations. They have a highly developed sense of community, a vocabulary, wisdom, etc.,,ravens are one of the smartest.
Corvids (crows, ravens, jays) are actually the smartest birds on the planet. They have been compared to dolphins, pigs, and primates intellectually because of their abilities to problem solve and use tools.
I just stumbled on this thread.
I have also read that crows choose a mate for life.

I loved that video. Corvid intelligence is so interesting. Too bad most non-bird people just see them as "vermin".
I just stumbled on this thread.
I have also read that crows choose a mate for life.

I loved that video. Corvid intelligence is so interesting. Too bad most non-bird people just see them as "vermin".

My mother is terrified of crows. I think they are amazing.

My husband despises them. I think they are pretty awesome.
Sometimes if you look at one in full sunlight they can appear almost deep ocean blue on the breast.
They are truly omnivorous.
Extremely obvious carnivores. They love those road kill dinners. hehe :)
I've a flock of crows on our property raising a posse of youngsters. They have been a blast to watch. Today three of the youngsters were chasing a Japanese beetle. Although the beetle could no way out fly the crows, the birds simply followed it and cawed loudly at it. Then they decided to play birdie soccer with a horse turd. They must have tossed that thing around for thirty minutes before it broke apart. By that time the adult crows realized I was watching and decided it was time to go. There was a loud discussion about leaving, though, as the youngsters still wanted to play.

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