Very sick little budgie

This must be very heartbreaking for you. It may be a nice thing (if he can't hear them) to record his friends chirping to play for him or if you have some, set up a baby monitor by them so he can hear them.... So he doesn't feel alone at this time. Parrots are very social and when they are sick, one of the worst things for them in nature is to be abandoned or shunned by their flock. In his mind, he does not understand he has been separated for his own good. Since he can't see, hearing them may perk him up a bit and help him fight if he knows his flock is still waiting for him to return:)

It is indeed heartbreaking to watch him like this. His cage is directly under his former cage mate's, and next to the girls with the other 2 boys on top of them. His whole flock is near by. None of the girls or other boys are showing symptoms of any kind, so I have to assume it's nothing that can be transmitted through the air or their dust.

When we got home from work today, we had the scare from hell. I wear transition lenses which were still dark from the sun when I walked into the bedroom to check on him and make sure he was still with us, so I couldn't really see anyway until I turned on the light. When I did that, I didn't see him. I saw a tipped over seed cup, and no Peatri. Omg I freaked out! I tore across the bed and all but ripped the cover the rest of the way open. Ended up that he was on the boing, which is at the moment made to be stationary, given his balance issues. A HUGE wave of relief washed over me, and my racing heart began to calm down.

I did manage to get him back on his original perch where his food and water are. And I also managed to get a 3 minute video of him "in action". I'll post a link to that when it's done uploading.

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That sounds scary! Glad he is okay.

This reminds me of a time when Boomer, my sun conure, was just a few months old. His cage at the time sat atop a multi-shelved glass computer desk. It's one of those with metal frames and all glass panels. In the middle of the main shelf was a huge, heavy monitor and printer still full of Boomer's newly printed photos. It was night time, I was asleep and awoke to a loud crash in the living room! I thought it was a burglar. Ran out and saw the glass desk was completely shattered, heavy monitor and printer on the floor, glass EVERYWHERE. I panicked that Boomer was under all that debris. I moved the heavy monitor and rummaged through the rubble and saw his face looking up at me with shards of glass all around. I was shocked. It took me a close to a minute to realize that it was only a full sized printed photo. I looked up and saw Boomer was still in his cage on the top shelf that did not shatter. He was fine and was wondering what all the commotion was about. Turns out that glass panel just buckled at the weight of the monitor.

Anyway, I almost forgot about that until I read your story. I definitely understand the feeling. I hope he is comfortable and feeling better today.
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That sounds quite frightening! Not sure if he's comfortable, but he's about the same as he's been now. My video FINALLY finished uploading, so I'll get the link and post it here. Is there a way to just embed the video, or so I just have to copy the link?

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Meh, here's the link, I'll embed later if it's possible here.

[ame=""]My poor sick boy - YouTube[/ame]

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The video embedded just fine. Not sure if I missed you mentioning his name? He's very cute. I do see what you mean about him using his wings for balance. It looks like it takes out a lot from him. He's keeping up the fight though.

I highly recommend you see another vet who can give you a more definite answer and treatment than the one you have now. Your budgie is fighting, glad he's still eating but I'm not sure he can keep this up forever :(
I know. I just don't know who to see here because the closest avian specialist is about 2 hours away. We have a couple more vets that treat birds, but one is almost an hour out, and the other had candles burning in the lobby. Not sure what that was all about. Not supposed to burn them in the room with birds, but "just fine" in the lobby of a vet that sees birds? *sigh I wish our old vet was still at the practice we see now. She was amazing and very knowledgeable even though she was very young.

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Just a quick update:

Peatri is still alive, for now, thank God. We just got this in the mail too. I'm sure it will help at some point. We're trying to collect a poop from him at the moment, so that maybe I can check it.

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So Peatri took quite a big poop about an hour ago, and I'll post a picture of it. I wanted to get some thoughts on it. I took from different parts of it and looked at them under the microscope. Not sure about posting those though. Anyway, here's the giant poop, it was a little over an inch long:


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Thanks for posting the video, it likely contains clues to a professional eye. Hard to determine whether Peatri is in distress or having neurological issues. I would highly recommend taking him to a competent avian certified vet. That said, taking budgies to a vet can be problematic. While I have no experience with budgies, they seem to have many genetic issues. Very important to sleuth whether he has a treatable illness or is otherwise affected by breeding.

I am so glad he has a dedicated parront seeking answers!
Thanks Scott. We're really are trying. I want to try to treat for AGY, for several symptoms, but I need to consult my vet about it. I'm also curious as to if it's a parasite. I looked in my microscope, and saw a few things, but I'm not sure if what I'm seeing is in fact parasites, or just plant material. I have pictures too.

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Indeed you are trying valiantly!! I applaud your research and commitment to Peatri.

Not familiar with AGY, found this: Avian Gastric Yeast

It may take a highly experienced certified avian vet to "put it all together" and determine the appropriate drug therapy.
From what I remember, I believe Baytril is the current treatment for AGY, but don't quote me. My Holly died back in 2014 from it, plus she had hepatitis, 2 kinds, so we know a tiny bit about that. It's just that diagnosing it is a giant pain.

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Rooting for you! Give us updates when you are able. Warm thoughts to your flock.
It would seem that Peatri no longer wants to perch tonight. Not sure if this will last, but it's really not looking good at this point. We just aren't sure what to do because the vet isn't getting back to us and now I remember that she's off Friday and the weekend. Ugh, *sigh

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I'm sorry to hear that :(

When you say he isn't perching, what do you mean? Is he just on his side/back? Will he let you cuddle him for warmth and a bit of rest?
No he's not actually laying down. He was standing, but not perching. He was still off the perch this morning at 4

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I hope what you observe is an anomaly and he is feeling stronger as the day progresses.
For a good avian vet a two hour drive is worth your time for any sick bird.

I had a budgie that died from AGY. We bombarded his system with every treatment available. Still he wasted away. The yeast prevents the absorption of nutrients and the bird slowly looses weight while still eating. Have you weighed him? I am sorry to say AGY in a tiny budgie is almost always fatal. I consulted with a nationally recognized avian vet named B. Spear in California. He told me there is also an element of pain that goes along with AGY. My doc then put my guy on pain med. I ended up choosing euthanasia as my little guy was suffering so much. Again I am sorry to paint such a bleak picture. In Order to confirm this diagnosis a vet will do swabs of the crop and droppings.
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Well, we came home from work yesterday to find him perched on his boing that now remains stationary. Through the night last night, he managed to get to the other perch right by the cage door. He's still perching, but now he's got a head full of pins. I feel so bad for him, but there's not much to do for that since he naturally doesn't let me preen him.

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