Venus took care of me when I was down


New member
Mar 31, 2015
Milwaukee, WI
Blue-Fronted Amazon-Lucy
My blue fronted Amazon, Venus, took great care of me while I've been having migraines. She kept talking and making noise and kept saying,"Hi Baby" in a really soft and calming voice. She must know when something is up.:green:
I know there are many triggers for migraines, in my case, simple dehydration! Water,water, water! Suffered for years, and when I moved south, the bouts tripled.
Amazons seem especially sensitive to the emotions and health of their human carers. And when you have been good to them, they will be good to you. Even my cranky old blue front;) wants to soothe you when he sense your not feeling well.

I was sick frequently as a child, and my mom's DYH (who never let anyone pet her) would sit on my chest, make soft noises and let me pet her. My mom had problems removing her from my room when it was time for her to go up. She knew when I was sick and took her momma-bird role VERY seriously.

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