Valiant Valentino!

He reminds me of... somebody... somebody big... bigger than life... somebody meaty... hmmm...

And a one a two, a three, a four...

[ame=""]VAL - The New MEATLOAF![/ame]
Well yes there is a certain physical resemblance, but my Val is a much better singer. Plus better looking, sorry Mr Loaf!
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My Valentino is in the middle of a huge moult and is feeling a little sorry for himself. He's dropped both of his long tail feathers too and is looking decidedly "bob-tailed". Funny how whenever I take someone to the vet and he mentions something about a moult, next thing I know there are so many feathers on the floor I could use them to build another bird!

Here is Val hiding in his hanging seagrass basket. He likes to pop himself in there and sing and mutter away to himself - too cute :)


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