oh i didn,t tell how i got him on my hand,
i opened the cage door feeding him some biscuit by hand
in small bits slowly and slowly edging him up to the door,
but the he jumped on the floor, so i used the stick method,
while he was on the floor i pressed the stick to his feet and with
my other hand held the biscuit enticing him to step up which he did,
and while holding the stick i edged my hand slowly to his feet untill he
was sitting on my hand, and after a couple of minuits moved him to my other
hand, then back and forth on both hands,
then i tried to put him back in the cage, but he started to climb up my arm
after i put him back, and later in the day i took him straight frrom his cage
onto my hand 3 or 4 times and now he,s used to it,
this is the same parrot from the begening of the thread that was terrified
of me. incredibly tame in only five days, now im going to start making toys
for the cage and buy different perches to keep him happy,
and he has been given a name, freddy named after my late tinmeh.