
Well-known member
Apr 2, 2022
Hi All,

Itā€™s been a while. I just relocated to North Carolina in the states from NJ about 3 days ago. Cozy handled it like a champ. However her eating has been sparse since we arrived. I assumed it was because she was in a new environment. Today she has eaten nothing and has been doing the head pumping motion like she is going to vomit and she smells like fish. After the head pumping movement it looks like she swallows whatever she may have been trying to throw up? Also, the inside of her beaks looks a little darker than usual.

Apparently there are no emergency vets in the area that take birds so I have to wait until tomorrow.

How can I treat this problem best until she can see an avian vet tomorrow?

Sounds like a crop infection perhaps? Not sure but I know this is not good.

Please help.
Oh no!

Iā€™m so sorry to hear of this.

I would keep her warm for now and give her any food sheā€™ll nibble on, even a whole millet spray.
Keep the room sheā€™s in quiet as to not stress her further.

What time tomorrow is her appointment?
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Also here are links of two videos so you can see what is happening.

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My sister just ran to the store to get fresh organic oregano and apple cider vinegar. I did some research and saw those may help a sour crop? Anyone have thoughts on this?
How often is she doing that? It kinda of reminds me of regurgitating but if sheā€™s not eating and doing that, Iā€™d definitely take her.
My sister just ran to the store to get fresh organic oregano and apple cider vinegar. I did some research and saw those may help a sour crop? Anyone have thoughts on this?
I donā€™t know actually, I know Iā€™ve used apple cider vinegar for my elderly tiel to help with inflammation in the joints.
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How often is she doing that? It kinda of reminds me of regurgitating but if sheā€™s not eating and doing that, Iā€™d definitely take her.
Itā€™s fairly frequent. It smells bad too.
Itā€™s fairly frequent. It smells bad too.
So sorry, I meant to answer you earlier!

I would certainly take her if she has a weird smell coming from her mouth, it may be a crop infection as you guessed.
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So sorry, I meant to answer you earlier!

I would certainly take her if she has a weird smell coming from her mouth, it may be a crop infection as you guessed.
Update: she ate some millet. Then we thought she threw up because she had some dark green substance on her beak. Turns out it was coming from inside her vent and she was eating it. I discovered this after I cleaned off her beak for her and she started preening. The weird thing though is that the poop on her paper isnā€™t the same color as what she seems to be taking out of her vent. I justā€¦ew. Anyone have any thoughts? This is gonna be a long night. I am a bit disturbed and feel helpless. My poor little girl šŸ˜© The avian vet in the area opens at 8am. Oy vey.
Update: she ate some millet. Then we thought she threw up because she had some dark green substance on her beak. Turns out it was coming from inside her vent and she was eating it. I discovered this after I cleaned off her beak for her and she started preening. The weird thing though is that the poop on her paper isnā€™t the same color as what she seems to be taking out of her vent. I justā€¦ew. Anyone have any thoughts? This is gonna be a long night. I am a bit disturbed and feel helpless. My poor little girl šŸ˜© The avian vet in the area opens at 8am. Oy vey.
Oh that doesnā€™t sound goodā€¦

Please let us know what the vet says!
Iā€™m praying for your little girl!

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