Updated as of 8/5: A sick Red-Lored Amazon & I'm worried :(


Jun 16, 2022
Red-Lored Amazon
Update 8/5:
Today he went to the vet for a blood draw, an injected antibiotic and suero (Spanish for the thing you get hooked up to when you go to the hospital that keeps you hydrated). He couldn't handle it all at once so the blood draw will be tomorrow. He has a fever and likely got sick with something so they took a stool sample. He seems to have fatty liver disease according to the doc but we will see HOW bad tomorrow after the blood draw. I am administering his meds once every 12 hours and already started his EmerAid formula today. He didn't like it so how I'm going to get him to ingest 5 syringe fulls is beyond me. I was told there might be a bad outcome to this all, so I cried a bit. I am choosing to remain positive that he will fight this illness and we can slowly repair his little liver.

My red-lored amazon, Perico, is sick. He/she has been sleeping all day, with sleepy eyes. No loud chirps today. He/ she has been squinting since yesterday but today doesn't go very long without squinting and closing his eyes. He has had a liquid stool lately-- mostly grass colored green liquid with one chunk of poop in it (see pic). It's been worrisome. He ate some mango the other day, about three days ago, with the peel. He just bit into it, and spit it out, bit into it, spit it out, in little chunks as he normally does with carrots and cucumbers; this is the only thing relatively new. He only bit into it a few times, and obviously didn't eat the whole thing, not even 1/4. Today he wasn't interested in eating his favorite seed bar and he wasn't interested in his training treat, sunflowers seeds which he looooves. I only use them for training and he doesn't get them daily-- but with that, it's alwasy something he wants and now he's very "eh."

His/her feathers are puffed up and sometimes he shivers for a few seconds. His legs feel awfully warm but this could just be me noticing it because he's more floppy right now than normal. His head isn't tilted any which way but he's just "blah."
I'll be going to a vet tomorrow as early as I can but I'm just so, so worried. What could be going on? I held the water bowl in front of him for him to drink and he did. Can anyone chime in on what could be going on?

-Worried woman
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That is a very concerning poop! Green urates in parrots are associated with liver disease or chlamydiosis. Either issue is very serious. (Besides all the other physical signs you have mentioned). Please take your bird to an avian or exotic vet ASAP. Before the weekend!
If you wait to go to the vet, give your bird what it likes best to eat. Also, keep it warm (not hot but warm) and quiet. You can wrap the cage in a sheet or towel and potentially have a heating pad or heat block to warm the cage.

I really think your bird is likely to be quite sick. Any bird described as “floppy” makes me worried.
That is a very concerning poop! Green urates in parrots are associated with liver disease or chlamydiosis. Either issue is very serious. (Besides all the other physical signs you have mentioned). Please take your bird to an avian or exotic vet ASAP. Before the weekend!
Tomorrow morning I will be taking him to the vet ASAP. This is so strange and scary :(
I am so sorry. He’s a beautiful bird and I’m sure you love him very much. How long have you had him in your home?

I am a mess when my bird is sick. Hang in there! And keep him comfortable until the morning.
How is he doing?
Hi! Thank you for asking. Today he went to the vet for a blood draw, an injected antibiotic and suero (Spanish for the thing you get hooked up to when you go to the hospital that keeps you hydrated). He couldn't handle it all at once so the blood draw will be tomorrow. He has a fever and likely got sick with something so they did a stool sample. He def has fatty liver disease according to the doc but we will see HOW bad tomorrow after the blood draw. I am sad because Perico looks so sad. I am administering his meds once every 12 hours and already started his EmerAid formula today. He didn't like it so how I'm going to get him to ingest 5 syringe fulls is beyond me -_-
I was prepped for a possible bad outcome to this all, so I cried a bit, but I am choosing to remain positive that he will fight this illness and we can slowly repair his little liver.
The liver is the only organ which can grow back. So provided there’s some healthy tissue, your bird has a chance to do well. ALSO you brought him to the vet as soon as you noticed something was wrong. That may have saved him!

Best wishes for you and Perico.
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Yes, our orange wing came to us with fatty liver disease, and two years of medication and diet change later, and he was able to be taken off liver meds as his liver is stable and his blood work looks great.
Sending well wishes for a speedy recovery!
Same here! Wishing your baby the best. Get those meds into him! However you can.

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