Hey guys, just wanted to share an update on my flock, because one new featherbabe is a blessing... with a rather sad upbringing. Please don't judge for purchasing from a pet store, even though it was locally owned and not a big company.
Meet Mauve, Tenko, and Lady Gaga.
Mauve, the gray English, has a big story and I want to share. My partner and I were browsing a local reptile pet store for a new tortoise, and entering the building I found a bird set up before any reptile enclosure. A bit shocked, I stopped by and saw her - Mauve. I had expressed that one of my two dream budgies was a gray colored budgie, so I was immediately already drawn to her. I looked into her eyes and felt her name. I instantly loved her. I slipped my finger through the bars and she walked over and kissed my finger. She looked at me in the eyes and puffed up.
I glanced around the cage and she was alone. She was a bit over a year old and she had been alone for all that time, the employee said. No one wanted her, specially now she was mature. Specially since she had pin feathers.
She had no toys. No friend. She was just... barely being. I could tell she was sad.
One glance at my partner and he said well take her home.
I hate buying from pet stores. I just wanted to check them out because like I mentioned, it was locally owned. But... something told me to make this exception.
But the horror doesn't stop there.
Coming home with her the first day she was weirdly calm. She wasn't clipped (the employee said she had been but that must have been a while ago since she had full wings). She didn't understand how to fly properly so we practiced.
I started noticing some... odd things.
She would eat, and doze off. She didn't sleep like a normal budgie. She'd tilt her head back, side to side, down, as if she was looking around frantically. Like she was having a nightmare. It was so sad to watch, and she'd occasionally would fall off her perch onto the floor.
I kept her in my room cage free for a bit to give her some confidence and to work with her. I gave her some good nights rest. Veggies (which she loved so much her face was orange from the carrots). Millet. Kisses. She allowed me to kiss her.
She started making sounds. It sounded like glitchy electronics and not like a bird. She was trying her hardest to chirp. She was attempting.
After she let me handle her I looked her over... and I honestly am so angry typing this....
Her claws were overgrown since they didn't even have a perch at the store, her toes would rest sideways when perching. So, we clipped them. Gently. We know what we are doing.
Then I noticed it.
Her band.
It was a metal band around her right foot. Her right foot was SWOLLEN. The band was so tight and had been for a while, her foot was differently hued and swollen. I noticed that she didn't stand on one leg ever.
We called our avian vet to move her appointment up (we explained why) and they took her in the next day. They were good, they got it off.
Her leg was thinner than a toothpick. There was a scab ring around it, flakey skin. We took her home that night and Mauve kept looking at me, flying to the perch I kept by my bedside, watching me.
I proceeded to give her meds and watch her for a week.
So here's the current news -
Mauve loves to run around. She sleeps on one foot. She still has weird sleeping habits of turning her head around in her sleep, but she's healthy.
Her leg is healed and you can barely tell it was ever scarred.
She eats her favorite food with the others, and lives mostly cage free. She'll go in the aviary sometimes if we won't be home for the night. But she prefers being out with me. Not that she doesn't have her friends but she likes her alone time in my room. When I start taking her to the aviary with the others, she knows what good stuff is there but she'll fly off my finger back to my room.
She greets me happily every morning. When I ask if I can give her a kiss she leans forward and kisses me first. If she thinks I'm hurt she alert calls. She puts her body against my face for comfort.
She eats from my hand, and she steps up, but for some reason I can't train her with food or treats. Like luring her to my finger for food she doesn't get. But she'll step up without treats. So for training I just have to show her what I want and she'll do it... but not for food xD ?
I can't explain how much I love her. She's a literal baby for me and I just want to give her the world. I legit get sad when she isn't near me for a night and I love hearing her. She now chirps like a normal budgie, she's somehow louder than everyone else including the ringneck. She has started to talk / mutter a little and I occasionally hear her say "mwauve". She also likes the game grumps.
I just... I can't believe that place neglected her like that. I don't know who to call to report this since I have photos.
Mauve has become a special house member. She's soft, calm usually, collected, and I jokingly say she has a Gothic personality. She is so full of love. All the budgies love her (like the two babies Tenko and Gaga).
Tenko & Gaga are special. We bought them from a good breeder.
The white one is Crested.
The pied blue is a Hagoromo.
Yes. We couldn't help it.
Tenko and Gaga were bonded the moment they came home. They never got to play because they were separated at the breeders place but it's as if they longed for each other. Instantly, they didn't like being without the other but they're both so sweet. They love all of us, and the budgies, but for some reason they fondly follow Keigo and Mauve around. They treat Mauve like she's their mom even tho Mauve is so confused about what they want since she doesn't have that drive. But she tolerates them and let's them eat millet before her.
Mauve is very loved.
And despite her gray color, she shines so beautifully. A lovely steel blue hue sparkles in her feathering.
It makes me so angry to think she could have... not made it with such a lonely life because humans failed her. I can't imagine how much pain and how alone she felt all that time.