
New member
Aug 10, 2014
Blue crowned conure
The bird protector has been removed from his cage. I moved Polly's food and water dish to the top section of his cage and he is eating and drinking frequently now! He is also eating things other than just seeds on his own! I put them in his cage so he might try them and he did!!! I think he likes them too! :)

I have made progress with the hand feeding treats. Yesterday he started letting me scratch his beak and today... He let me pet him!!!! I can touch his feet too. I was super exited when he let me pet his head. He also let me pet by his wings and his neck. I didn't push it though. He is so much more comfortable with me and my hands! :)

He sort of bit me but it wasn't how he bit me previously. It didn't hurt. He sort of just made a soft noise, put a little pressure on my finger and stayed there for a couple seconds and then moved his head on his own and then was fine with me again. I must be doing something right. :)

A little side note, tonight my dad was talking to Polly and Polly was getting all mad and trying to bite my dad but I was standing in front of the cage between them and Polly continued to let me pet his beak and head without biting. Also, when I leave my room, Polly always starts screaming. I feel so special :) tonight when I told him goodnight, I put my face close to the cage and made a kissy sound and he turned his face like mine and put it beside mine. I am absolutely falling more in love with him everyday!!!
Congratulations on the great progress with Polly! It sounds like you are creating quite a bond with him:)
Read my post on the not tame Severe. You might want to try this yourself...

Conures are easier than Severe's!

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