Update on Lincoln

I don't know about the soy bean oil or safflower oil, but Vitamin E oil is in many, many lotions, ointments, creams, etc. for both people and animals for their skin, so I would imagine that it will help his skin quite a bit.

For vitamins/supplements/oils/natural soaps/cleansers and anything else of the kind, try www.luckyvitamin.com They have everything and are by-far the cheapest place I've seen for any of this kind of stuff, cheaper than Walmart, and they have such a huge selection, quick shipping, etc. I've been ordering from them for years. Not only cheap, but they have things that you can't find anywhere else. Also have every essential oil in existence...

It does sound like his body is having issues absorbing nutrition, but you also have to take the infection into account. If the infection is bad enough that his WBC's are elevated that much, then this can certainly effect his metabolism...And if they don't exactly know where the infection is located, it would make sense that it may be somewhere in his GI Tract, as that is obviously where vitamins, minerals, calories, fat, carbs, protein, etc. is all absorbed into the body, especially throughout the intestinal tract. So the nutritional-deficiency issues may very-well start to improve after the infection is cleared-up.

The infection has cleared up and the vet says his wbc is way way down now. She suspected it was very high because of the infection AND he's going through a very heavy molt.

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