Update on Kenji and photos


New member
Aug 24, 2011
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African Greg
2 cockatiels
Kenji has settled in really well. Several times he climbed down to the floor to check things out, and stepped right up onto my hand like his parronts said he would. Today I brought him to Rosie's java perch to see if he would like to sit on it, but it scared him and he jumped off my hands. Good news is he didn't dive bomb this time, but rather fluttered quickly to the ground for a ungraceful landing. He loves to chew and dismantle his toys, I love to watch him do so :)

I'm stunned by how fast can learn new words, he already says "hey sugar", "hi aubrey", "peep", and mimicks Rosie's peep. The book "Alex Studies" that I ordered came today, I'm very excited to start reading it tonight :)


And today I took out my DSLR to try to take some good photos of Kenji, rather than the iphone pics.



That's a good looking CAG ... My wife laughs at me as I have these long conversations with peanut(my CAG ).. I tell her and whole heartedly believe he understands me ...And he does his best to communicate with the words he has learned..
amazing photos! Kenji is very photogenic!
Wow ,nice pictures :) Thats unreal how hes picking up words with you. You must be like [did he just say that !] I listened to his clip again ,and he does have quite the human voice.
Birds tend to be amazing when they have an amazing owner. Good job, my mothers friend knew a lady who had a AG and it lived to be 80 years she died old and It got passed around to her son. My mom also said the bird knew the son beforehand.
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I totally think that lol, I expect to always hear new things that he already knows rather than things he is currently learning. I guess since he's already had 20 years of practice he is good at it lol. One day I hadn't given him his great yet and he said "can I have a treat". And a few days after I got him I wanted to see if he liked being misted and he did not, he was shaking his head and unhappy while he said "Oh sh*t.... Oh sh*t". That was the only time I heard him say that, I'm pretty sure he knows it is a expression of displeasure. He says it like someone who just remembered something important or stubbed a toe.

He also just says random things, like "Kinji bird" "your a chicken" "come here chicken" "silly, come here" "time for yummers" "time for nighters". He says "we'll be right back, see you later" if he thinks I'm going to leave. I'm only on the tip of the ice Berg of what he knows. I'm going to do a mixture of mishka's training and pepperbergs training to help him to understand. It's possible it may never work because of his age, but I figure this is going to be a great way for us to bond.
Kinji is beautiful!! He's one luck bird to have someone like you in his life now. :)
Birds tend to be amazing when they have an amazing owner. Good job, my mothers friend knew a lady who had a AG and it lived to be 80 years she died old and It got passed around to her son. My mom also said the bird knew the son beforehand.
Wow! That's awesome he had such a long life. Parrots live a very long time and I am absolutely happy that Kanji is only 2 years younger than me. Same with Rosie, I'll never really know what age she is but I am confident she is at least 20 by her bands.

Kinji is beautiful!! He's one luck bird to have someone like you in his life now. :)

He's had a fantastic life with his past parronts, I can only hope I am their equal, and only achieve greatness with my focus on training and enrichment :)

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