Untamed scared lovebirds cage cleaning


New member
Mar 15, 2025
Purchased two untamed scared lovebirds from pet store less than a week ago…. So to get them from pet store cage to take home boxes the woman used a net…. When home just opened the boxes to allow them into new cage… pet carriers will be delivered tomorrow but now I don’t know how I should get them each into a carrier in order to clean their cage 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ also I unknowingly got a cage that I can’t just pull the bottom out from underneath to empty I instead have to detach the cage wiring to empty and clean… any advice please
Why do you need to put them in a carrier? It's fine to just let them out as long as it's safe and you're able to bribe them back into their cage.
That thought never occurred to me… can you offer me a few ways to bribe them back in by chance? They haven’t touched there millets yet nor the fruit cabob I hung earlier so I’m not even positive what strikes their fancy yet other than the foraging wall in there cage
You can just give them their normal food (seed/pellets/vegetables) around the time you want them back in their cage, and they should go inside to eat it. You can also try target training them as a longer-term solution.
Purchased two untamed scared lovebirds from pet store less than a week ago…. So to get them from pet store cage to take home boxes the woman used a net…. When home just opened the boxes to allow them into new cage… pet carriers will be delivered tomorrow but now I don’t know how I should get them each into a carrier in order to clean their cage 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ also I unknowingly got a cage that I can’t just pull the bottom out from underneath to empty I instead have to detach the cage wiring to empty and clean… any advice please
I have a Vision cage that has a bottom that detaches to clean it and it's easy. It has clips that hold the bottom on so open the clips and lift the whole cage top part off the bottom and set it on the table without the bottom. I clean out the bottom part and put fresh paper. Then I lift the top part and put it back on the bottom part and attach the clips. The birds don't care. They just sit on their perches the whole time.
That’s how the cage I have works… right now they only have the perches the cage came with and after learning more I ordered wood treelike perches for them so I have to rearrange the whole cage when I go to clean it… as of now they are still scared of my hand so when I go in for anything one of them starts flapping around really fast so I think I’m gonna just let them out in the room by opening up the top of the cage and front with their gym visible n hope they come out at some point so I can clean and arrange everything and then try to get them back in with food and new toys 🤷🏻‍♀️

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