Untameable budgie, HELP!!


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Feb 13, 2012
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Sun Conure - DOH Dec 2011 (?)
So, a friend of mine bought a budgie from a pet store on July 12th and has been trying to get it to bond with her from that time. But even now, it appears to be deathly afraid of hands though it is fine when it realizes we are going to take it out. And without any provocation, it will decide it's had enough and fly like crazy away from anyone holding it.

I think it SOMETIMES eats off my friend's hand, I know it is fond of millet spray but 1.5 months have gone by and the budgie is no tamer than when it first joined the family.

My friend has decided to give up on this budgie and put him in an outside aviary rather than a companion kind of pet. Is this a good idea? I reckon that if he is eating off her hands sometimes, he must be a little trusting of her right? Is it too early to give up?

Her mother has offered the budgie to me. I have a sun conure who was unsocialized but young when I got him but is totally cuddly now. I can't assume I will have similar success with a budgie because sun conures are notoriously affectionate and clingy. I don't know if I can make the budgie happy. ): It is a very small budgie so I assume its young.

Any opinion is appreciated! Also budgie taming tips.
The budgie is just scared , I would reccomend moving it to the living room,also here's a website on how to tame budgies, it really works! I used this method for both of omy boys and now they they take any kind of treat from me and jump to my side of the cage whenever I come . It also has some useful info on budgies.

Budgie place.com

Good luck!

Birdlover is right for the most part.

The bird is flying off because he wants to... he really has no reason to stay. If he's eating off of someones hand and he gets tired of eating, why should he stay on the hand? I'd fly off too! Hands are boring! Budgies can be cuddly if they're raised that way, and by the time they're weaned, they're either cuddly or they're not. However, not having a cuddly budgie doesn't mean that you don't have a great pet! Flighted budgies are great fun to have around. They're super playful and will come and hang out with you as long as you have a good relationship with them. (I have mine sitting on my shoulder as I type.) Birdlover recommended a good website for information on taming budgies, it's one I recommend as well. In short, I say go for it - take the bird! Let us know if you have any more questions!

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