Unexpected hard bite!

Thankyou Laurasea, I will try and get a bit of protein into her.Shes such a fussy eater,going by the colour of things rather than taste. Im fairly good at reading her body language. If I say "tickle tickle" she will come and push her head under my fingers,then I know shes in an ok mood. Oh how we indulge these little birds!
Awww sweet and sass , like my Ta-dah :)
Sorry for all the typos in my posts, thanks for looking past that!
OK when birds moult they go through a phase where they can't be bothered with anything or anyone. Its natural.
Some birds like cockatiels etc often take themselves off to a cave out of the way until they've finished their moult.
So don't be disheartened or worried its a natural thing and your feathered friend will be right as rain again after the moult

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