Unexpected friend

Macaws are quite adept at climbing down from nearly everything! Maybe a large tray on the post will stop Max from doing that and he can be out again, but he will probably eventually figure out how to get around that as well (or just jump down). I have a hard time containing Pete as he also seems to climb down from just about everything. And now he's brave enough he wants to explore the house. He wanted into my plants and vases on the sofa table so much he actually managed to fly off my arm onto the back of the couch the other day even though he only has about 1/3 of his new wing feathers. He hasn't forgotten about them either. He's quite persistent in trying to get over there.
It's been several months and just wanted to give an update about me and Max :red1:

Around mid August Max started favoring me over other people that regularly come and volunteer at the bird store. This has evolved into him completely bonded with me and he does that "I want you" wing flap and squawks when I leave the store. :( But like I mentioned in my first post that he does belong to the manager. I was informed by the store owner that since the manager noticed how much her GW has bonded with me, she is now giving him much more attention...which is a very good thing since it is her bird. But now I'm in an awkward place cause I love Max but I'm trying to limit the attention I give him to be respectful towards his owner.

He does like another person that sometimes comes to the store who is over 6ft tall and I think it's funny that Max prefers either someone very tall or very short but no one in between:p
Oh oh oh! Want to add another silly thing! So Max the GW and Mac the B&G do not get along at all! Mac is owned by my best friend, thus Max really doesn't like her (tries to nip her if she would only get close enough :P) Hence her B&G Mac does not like me cause I am friends with Max. :P
The macaw gift of love. Nothing like having your macaw sing and trill to you until you nod off then take his talon and pull you lower lip down and try to regurgitate into your mouth.

I woke up when he pulled on my lip and told him "What are you doing?" in a serious voice. Diego froze and stared at me for a few moments then said. "Want some?" I stared at him and said "no thank you."

I love having macaws as companions.


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