Unexpected bird: bulbul


May 4, 2019
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Indian Ringneck, Macaw
Hey guys

So I live in North Iraq, thereā€™s a bird type pretty common here called ā€œBulbulā€
So let me tell you guys what happened, I was sitting in the kitchen when I heard an unusual ā€œvoiceā€ coming from behind the door! I opened it and saw a white neck bulbul singing behind it, unbelievable honestly it didnā€™t even fly away, it flew inside afterwards.... itā€™s not tame but not scared of people either altho it looks extremely skinny so i gave it some fruit, it comes to my hand when i have food

My ringneck isnā€™t attacking her or anything so thatā€™s good

I still have to process what happened... i know people say birds pick YOU as their owner but what the hell šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚, what would you do in my place? I think it might be a lost pet as people keep them as pets here..
For starters I would be very careful about any disease passing on to my birds. If you are caring for it then keep it separate until you are able to assess why it is thin, if it is sick, or just what is going on. I guess if you think it might be a lost pet you should try and trace anyone who might be looking for it.
For starters I would be very careful about any disease passing on to my birds. If you are caring for it then keep it separate until you are able to assess why it is thin, if it is sick, or just what is going on. I guess if you think it might be a lost pet you should try and trace anyone who might be looking for it.

Iā€™ll take it to the vet tomorrow, I think itā€™s a lost pet as it even says some words
Thank you for rescuing this bird.

Birds have no natural want to befriend Humans. So it is very likely that this Bulbul has been in the kind care of someones home.

In many countries it is not allowed to keep wild birds as pets. So, double check that first and if legal, check local sources for anyone looking for their pet.

Again, thank you for your kindness.
Isnā€™t it amazing that this little list fellow knew to find a bird loving home? I donā€™t for an instant believe itā€™s coincidence.

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Want to plug this amazing website that birders have used for years to host their images and videos (and audio recordings) of birds around the world. I found these videos of the Iraq white-spectacled Bulbul lovey.


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