‘Un’-Parrot People

It is so funny that its the adults that charge right after a bird. In my daycare the birds are in a separate area, so one of my parents asked if he could see one of the sun conures. I said sure and brought out Cher. As soon as he saw her he quickly walked towards me with his finger poking out! Before I could say a word his 2 year old son says " daddy NO! Stop! The little guy then walked over slowly, said hi Cher wanna step? Then put up his little hand. I was so proud! Just as gentle as can be then walked her to his dad. "Gentle" he says. Then gave his dad a look.
Lol adults are weird and obnoxious when it comes to seeing my Macaw. They either freak out in terror or shock and start trying to touch her but the kids come up and aren't freaked out or weirded by seeing her except the 3 year old's lol and hey ask to hold her and ask about her.
The most common reaction I see is the "deer-and-the-headlight-look" :eek: <--like this.

When people ask me if I have small children (due to the "noises" coming from my home quite frequently), and I tell them no, I have parrots I get the same look.

Once I was checking mail and had Niko (my Mac) with me. A car that was driving by stopped abruptly, woman rolled down window and asked: "Is he tame?" "No, lady, I'm dumb enough to put a big, wild bird on me and walk down my driveway." :cool: Of course I didn't say that, but I wanted to.
hahaha my brother came and saw Fargo and then decided to try and pat him and hold him straight away, while I'm telling him he will bite your finger off -.- of course Fargo wanted nothing to do with him so flew and sat on my arm away from him, then my brother got angry and left the room haha
and then his fiancé said 'oh well he is a lovely bird, but I would never pay 4500 dollars for him' >:[

then my friend came over with her 2 kids and they said ' we want to see the pirate bird' haha so I said you have to be very quiet and don't try and touch him... so they came in, and the little boy (4 years old)started crying as soon as he saw Fargo saying 'nooo, I don't like the pirate bird!!!'
i get that - it drives me nuts when people walk in and go over to the cage and start sticking their fingers in and taking to them like they have no soul... i always see pippen's feathers go in aggressive mode (like a dog raises his neckhairs) and when i tell them to leave him cause he'll bite i've had replies like "i dont mind if he bites"... no, but I do! grrrr!!!

Oooh thanks for posting this i've been dying to rant about this for ages :D

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