Umbrella Cockatoo


New member
Jan 30, 2025
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1 year male umbrella cokatoo
Hello i am a new member of this forum and hope that i learn more from parrots owners and members of this forum , your inputs will be a learning curve for me,
I had owned 2 African cascos in previous years the last one passed away a month back , the kids were sad and wanted another parrot, so I got an umbrella cockatoo now since a week now, i am new to this breed i have been reading and watching a lot of videos of the umbrella cockatoos.
I think it is a male since his eye is black not brown, he is probably 1 year old as stated by the pet shop,
Any ways he is the challenge and hope i learn something here, casper the parrot was so sweet at the shop and stepped up on my hand put his head on my chest , no sign of aggression at all although he was shivering , when i asked why is he shaking , the pet shop said he was a bit caged and neglected by previous owner and also was affraid of 3 scarlet macaws were next to him in tree stand and was once attacked by one of the macaws.
Took it to vet as soon as i bought it tested him all good then trimmed his nails and peak, took it back to my house in evening, was on my hand then put him in a living room on a perch, at night was time to bed i took him upstairs where the cage located put him inside and went to bed
The next day i opened the cage and when i approached him he started hissing an puffing at me i put my hand inside the cage to take him out he almost bit me or maybe hit me with his peak very hard (it is a super jumbo parrot) so his hit was noticeable 😄
I left him and watched what he does , he came out and sat on top of the cage , i came back started hissing again and started to shiver again but i put my hand next to him slowly i put my hand on his head and started rubbing it, shivering stopped at that moment and looked like he going to sleep , took my hand away and gave him a treat, came later again same thing hissing and puffing , approached him slowly and rubbed his neck and head and gave a treat,
BUT he is not willing to step up at all as if i didnt carry him from shop to vet to my house,
It has been a week now and it is the same thing. same area same cage same room cage is always open and he goes inside eat and come out and sit on too , when approached he is very anxious i rubbs his head and neck and when ever i put my hand next to his feet he run to the other side or push my hand away with his peak. Am i out of patience, does he need more time to adjust to new home !! What is it


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Please be patient with him! Parrots can take a substantial amount of time to develop the trust in a new home, sometimes months. He is trying, as shown by him letting you pet him. Proceed at his rate of acceptance and not at the rate of your expectations (which seem pretty high). He is not like your last parrot - each parrot is an individual, with their own personality and likes/dislikes. Build trust with him - parrots are all about trust. Measure everything you do with him like that "Does this build or break trust?".

He could be showing cage possession, which is why he does not want you to pick him up. Try using a perch to get him away from the cage, to a different area.
He needs time. Do not try to push or force his acceptance of you. You need to let him proceed at his own pace. Pushing this will only hamper progress. Have you figured out what his favorite treat is?
I regret to say but this can take a long time to gain his trust and acceptance.
The fluffing and hissing is typical go away leave me alone. Once he has bonded he will do this when with his chosen one to tell strangers or people he doesn't like as well to leave both of you alone.
Also you have to accept the fact that you will get bitten. Especially at first. It's just a fact of having parrots. If you are scared he will sense that and in turn be scared of you. A cockatoo bite rarely results in blood letting unless you try to pull away. It's more of a severe crushing pinch resulting in bruising.
I need to get on the road now will post more this evening
He needs time. Do not try to push or force his acceptance of you. You need to let him proceed at his own pace. Pushing this will only hamper progress. Have you figured out what his favorite treat is?
I regret to say but this can take a long time to gain his trust and acceptance.
The fluffing and hissing is typical go away leave me alone. Once he has bonded he will do this when with his chosen one to tell strangers or people he doesn't like as well to leave both of you alone.
Also you have to accept the fact that you will get bitten. Especially at first. It's just a fact of having parrots. If you are scared he will sense that and in turn be scared of you. A cockatoo bite rarely results in blood letting unless you try to pull away. It's more of a severe crushing pinch resulting in bruising.
I need to get on the road now will post more this evening
Thank u i am being patient and his favorite treat is sunflower seeds, i am expecting tobe bitten but i am taking it very slowly not pushing him untill he steps up
Please be patient with him! Parrots can take a substantial amount of time to develop the trust in a new home, sometimes months. He is trying, as shown by him letting you pet him. Proceed at his rate of acceptance and not at the rate of your expectations (which seem pretty high). He is not like your last parrot - each parrot is an individual, with their own personality and likes/dislikes. Build trust with him - parrots are all about trust. Measure everything you do with him like that "Does this build or break trust?".

He could be showing cage possession, which is why he does not want you to pick him up. Try using a perch to get him away from the cage, to a different area.
I will and see where it goes hopefully he get comfortable and let go of his fear
Casper is gorgeous and I love his name! I had a cockatoo named Casper, too!
Great advice above from our experienced members. Be patient and let him settle in and learn to trust you and Casper will come around. It may help to use a stick perch to step up on instead for your hand.
Welcome and be patient. Birds are territorial and bit more aggressive guarding it then dogs.
thanks for the inputs , i really appreciate it, just worried that he attacks my little girls , they do jump around in-front of him although he gets alerted but he takes treat from their hands
Cockatoos are"special".
Their body language is harder to learn due to the dark eyes so you can't see their pupils. Also every bird has their own unique personality.
Be cautious as he begins to interact more not to let him become to excited. I have been injured worse by a happy amped up cockatoo than an upset one. They don't mean to.....they are just having too much fun and get carried away.
On rereading your original post I think you are doing well and proceeding correctly. Patience is the key.
I also think it's great that you are making the effort to socialize him with the family right away.

If you have the time, patience, can deal with the insane energy level, and are already mostly deaf as I am (LOL) they are wonderful and rewarding companions.
Hey , bird casper is still not willing to step up although iam always next to him , when i put my hands next to him he would come and lays his head on my hand so i can rub his head occasionally which is a good progress but still very afraid. , such a character with his mood swings , sometime he will huff when sees me approaching , also he starts to shiver every time when i get close to his cage and stand next to him until i put my hands inside to rub him. But when he leans toward my hand to be rubbed slowly and very cautiously. the shivering fades away. Additionally i brought a big stand next to him so i can move him a bit away from the cage he waited two days then jumped on the stand by him self however the minute i come to see him he will try to go back to the cage well most of the time
iam still counting days it has been more than a month now
Sounds like you are making progress. Always remember to move at the birds pace. I know it can seem agonizingly slow but don't push it. Good things will come in time and patience is the key.
Most important is to try and not do anything to lose the trust and progress you have made so far.
Please keep us updated on how you two are doing.
Congratulations on the progress you two have made. Sounds like he's getting to trust you. Keep it up.
Don't give up on Casper. You will have a good relationship with time. He let's you scratch him so he's interested.
update on Casper ,
Although i am making progress , but since yesterday he became very ferocious and angry and very aggressive he bit me couple of time not bad but a pinch , and casper seems very scared and fearful as he seen a ghost, i left him and came back after 5 hours , he was ok i put my hand he came and i start scratching his head . Today i found when i cam to see him i found him over the chandelier i try to bring him down he wouldn't , i brought kids baseball plastic bat so ican reach him , so he got scared and flown on top of his cage, he became so fearful of me whom !!! i spent most of the time with him and closest, i want it to pet him to calm him down , he started lunging at my hand trying to bite more then 10 times and he got me twice , the first time he bit me i slammed my other hand on cage un controlled reaction my side and pulled my hand ans yelled no in his face, i put back my hand again and he is becoming more aggressive he start buffing up his his crown up and screams on my face , and i was screaming at him to knock it off , he wont intimidate me , then he start backing up . After an hour he became to tally normal my doughter is 9 and she is rubbing him i cam and was fine as if nothing happened. Then after an hour or so i came to see him and he is now scared and doesnt want to do anything with me , i am started to feel that casper is a retard.
It has been almost 2 months , he is scared wont step up , and rather than being trusty and better he became worse, i am just thinking that bringing him is a mistake and he might be able to adjust to us , i mean it has been almost 2 months and still not able to connect, he is so fearful and scared and i dont know what to do my son saying keeping him more months he will get better but i dont know at the moment if he will or wont as he is becoming worse in trusting me especially , That is him before the stormy encounter


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A "retard"? If that's how you feel about Casper perhaps this is not a good match. It can take a long time to win a birds trust and screaming at him and slamming your hand on the cage likely erased any progress you had made.

Not everyone is equipped to handle a large cockatoo. In fact, most people aren't so don't feel too bad.
Parrots are weird about what they take fright of. There's no way to predict. Parrots aren't domestic and are intelligent. They don't respond well to and what they perceive as negative punishment. Their memories and intelligence makes them prone to hold grudges. On this forum is a Parrot bill of rights. The truth is the statement 'if I see, look, like, contemplate etc it's mine!' Members here have posted stories of their parrots taking over ceiling fans. A chandelier is bright, shiny and can certainly be claimed by a parrot. You want to build trust. Negative voice tones irregardless of words are to be avoided.
update on Casper ,
Although i am making progress , but since yesterday he became very ferocious and angry and very aggressive he bit me couple of time not bad but a pinch , and casper seems very scared and fearful as he seen a ghost, i left him and came back after 5 hours , he was ok i put my hand he came and i start scratching his head . Today when i came to see him i found him over the chandelier i try to bring him down he wouldn't , i brought kids baseball plastic bat so ican reach him , so he got scared and flown on top of his cage, he became so fearful of me !!! i spent most of the time with him and closest, i want it to pet him to calm him down , he started lunging at my hand trying to bite more then 10 times and he got me twice , the first time he bit me i slammed my other hand on cage as a result he buffed up and start screaming it was a battle who stand last , i raisd my voice sayijg NO NO untill he became quite , laeft him then came back was in normal mode i put my hand he came and cuddle put his head on my hand and although everything is normal , he flipps and realize it is me then he bite me as a warning and go to the side of the cage , he is been doing this all day now, i dont know what to do with him it is been so long now , ni step up little cuddly though but since two days he went to full time evil , photo below from today when he became normal couple of minutes


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I wont give up on him , i am just expressing what happen , slaming the cage was an un controlled reaction lets call it a reflex of a bite , not meant to do that it happened as areaction just a correction

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