Ulysses the Frosted Canary


New member
Feb 5, 2018
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Alberta, Canada
Umbriel (Umbri)- Fischer's/Blackmask Lovebird •
Ulysses- Frosted Canary •
Zebra Finches
As promised here are some pictures I already had on hand! I got him a pale yellow and after some TLC he moulted to THIS. :heart: He’s rather shy as canaries are but chirps for me when I leave the room and likes to sit beside me when I’m studying.



Ulysses is gorgeous! His colours are amazing! Thank you so much for sharing:)
Such a cute little guy:) Always interesting to note the anatomical differences in the feet and legs of songbirds VS parrots. They are so delicate and the feet shaped differently.

Curious, does Ulysses step up onto your finger or enjoy being near you? Or is he more hands off and mostly uninterested in humans? I know wild songbirds seem to congregate in little flocks so just wondering if they crave that social structure in captivity the way parrots do and bond to humans? I know nothing about the care of finches/canaries.
He likes being near me while he’s in his cage- he’ll sidle up to the side of the cage I’m closest to- but otherwise hates hands (probably because I’m the only one in my family who’s willing to catch him and clip his nails myself.) I would get him a friend but males can be very territorial, so I’ve read, and I don’t want any canary babies if I get him a female :(

Interestingly though, i’m the only human he enjoys being around. He’s very shy and withdraws if anyone else is in the room.
I wish we saw more finch stuff here. They are just precious.
Sorry, not sorry!
Thank you! Next on my list is a pair of lavender or java finches... sometime in the future!!
We'll demand pictures and stories!
I have always wondered..can a canary,or a finch,become a companion birdie? I mean...will they hang out with you,want to be on your shoulder etc? Any of those type birds all I see is them in cages?
I wonder if they can,or like,to like play on the kitchen table,like a budgie does,and cause mayhem and enjoy getting into trouble lol?

I have seen videos of hand-tamed canaries or finches but I have never actually met one in person! It’s hard to find breeders that acclimate their softbills to hands. But if this one was a companion bird, I’m sure he’d be a little terror lol. He’s full of energy and a biter when he doesn’t like something!

I love the idea but wouldn’t want one as a companion bird- even when I clip this little guy’s nails I am so so scared of hurting him or snapping a leg, as they’re so delicate :(
I doubt a canary could ever bite hard. And size doesn’t matter with companion birds, parrotlets are tiny yet they think they’re huge. I like the idea of a canary as a companion bird. Do you ever let Ulysses out of the cage to fly?
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No, he doesn’t bite hard, it’s just amusing to see him try to cause damage, lol. Size doesn’t matter, but they’re too small for my liking regardless- like I said I’d be too afraid of accidentally causing harm!

I do open the cage door for him but he’s only come out twice in the time I’ve had him.
I didn't even know they sold Canaries anymore. What a cutie.
I didn't even know they sold Canaries anymore. What a cutie.

That’s very odd, they’re the easiest birds to find where I am :)
He’s darling!!

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