Ugh more questions.

I'm going to get a different scale this evening after work.
Ok. Soooooo more questions. How do I stop her from screaming. I know to ignore her and such and not show her attention when she does it. But she is getting loud haha. Which I can handle but it sure does startle the other half lol. And she is spending most of her time on the bottom of the cage. Is it because she isn't very stable yet and she feels more secure? Also what time do you guys put your birds to sleep?
Shes baby begging [I think its the food thing]. Im sure that's what it is if its a repetitive wail . Don't ignore her [try different things with the food]. Shes such a baby at 3 months .
Well lastnight she took down a little more than 80 mls no problem. Bobbing like crazy. This morning she took down about 70. Feeding response was much less though. I think she just isn't into it in the morning lol. She did start eating her apple slices out of the bowl last night along with some pellets. This morning she is eating her apple slices after our handfeeding. So I think she is doing great!

Also last night she sat on my lap and let me love on her. She did this yawn beak st reach thing that I love haha. She also has been trying to fly. Her wings are clipped but lastnight she jumped off the cage and tried to fly to me when I brought out her formula. Then while we were cuddling on the couch she tried to fly to the back of the couch. Lol
Did you purchase a scale so you can make sure her weight and food intake is on the right track?
I bought a gram scale from the locale office supply store. Haven't used it yet cause today I'm attaching a perch to it. And it was late when I got time to do it lastnight

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