Hi there,
Just to say thanks Birdman666 for such a massive compilation of biting behaviours and reasons. It really is helpful and makes birdy behaviours much more understandable!
I'm sorry to be a pain but I need further advice, even though I have read this thoroughly!!!
I have had Rosie for 9 months, and she will be a year old next week. She has always been very sweet and cuddly and has had lots of handling by myself, my boyfriend, flatmate, friends and family. She has bitten occasionally, but all instances have been self explanatory, and fallen under one of the many categories that you have so wonderfully listed.
She has recently started becoming aggressive and I'm finding it hard to know how to deal with it/handle her to stop her from doing it. It started out with my flatmate. Whenever she comes into the room and Rosie is out, she just flies straight for her and attacks/bites. She bit her lip and drew blood a few days ago. This is a bit of a tricky situation because it causes tension between us as I don't know how to stop Rosie doing this. I try to tell her how to react/act in these situations, but I can tell she just doesn't want to know and is just annoyed at me for this happening. I have tried removing Rosie from her and then saying firmly no, and putting her down. But she just flies back for more. All I can really do to avoid this is put Rosie in her cage before she comes in the room. Is this exacerbating Rosie's aggression towards her?
(Just to add to this before I move on to my next point: whenever Rosie is out of her cage, she flies to anyone in the room that is not me to get attention and WILL NOT leave them alone for a long time until she's calmed down/loses interest and goes and gets on with something on her own. Even if I try to remove and distract her, she wants to be on the "new person". I don't know how to stop her from doing this. With my flatmate, before the aggression began, rosie would fly to her and climb all over her for attention but she wouldn't really get any- maybe this is contributing?!)
In the last few weeks she has been attacking me. She's having a little bit of a molt so I think that that is contributing to her mood, but it's not the grumpy "leave me alone" nips that she has done with me before, but full on attack bites whenever she sees my fingers. I feel like I don't understand what she wants as she seems confused/frustrated. She's coming to me for head scratches, so I give her some, then she goes mental. I calmly say no and put her down and walk away, but she just comes back over to me shortly after her and repeats the same thing. It's the same with playing, feeding, putting her away in her cage, getting her out. I'm starting to really worry that I'm doing something terribly wrong and have taught her to be like this and she won't revert back to her usual self. I know it's only been a few weeks so it could be a phase (and people deal with these troubles for years!), but I'm panicking that if I don't act now she will be aggressive forever!
I am so grateful for you reading this and any advice anyone has for me to do would be massively appreciated.
Thank you!
Jessie and Rosie