Two quick "Birdie" photos


New member
May 5, 2015
Baxter - Illiger's Macaw (hatch date 5.1.15);

Taylor - Black capped Conure (RIP 3.14.15 - miss you every day little "Girlie")
Hi Everyone,

"Birdie" is doing GREAT! I am so happy to have him/her home! He had his wellness visit with the vet and she said everything looks good. We will get the results of the blood test tomorrow and the chlamydia/bornavirus early next week.

Thought I'd share a couple photos...

Exhausted after the vet!

I'm a BIG Birdie on my scale - 241 grams!
Gaaawsh, Shawna, baby is soooo beautiful!!!! :smile015:

Are you over-the-moon? How did you sleep first night with your new 'infant'? :D

I am SO envious of Laura for getting to meet the both of you tomorrow! Pictures, ladies, please???? With baby on top?

You have to pick a name for him now, have you thought of any yet?

Sorry for all the questions, I'm a tad bit excited with you here. :32:
Wow, stunning Illigers! Now you are making me think that Loki may be a female (based on the amount of Red on birdie)....I've read that the males are more colorful.

Anyone have any experience with Illigers on this?

Also, I've got a scale on order, so I'll try to give you my guys weight so we can compare.....

Love the pics!

Are birdie's feet really that dark? My Illigers feed are very light comparatively....
Birdie is a beautiful bird! I love his/her colors. Glad all went well at the vet, looks like someone is all tuckered out in that first pic:D I bet you can't wait for those DNA results!
I have a picture of my daughter as an infant with her butt up in the air, sleeping... it looks a lot like that bird! :D

My size perception is completely warped at this point...
Ohhhh, I'm so glad you decided to share! Precious photos! Birdie is gorgeous! I'm glad the vet visit went well! Looking forward to lots more photos!
Beautiful bird !!!
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Wendy, I am SO thrilled to have birdie home! Will definitely take some photos tomorrow and share. We have picked out a definite name if birdie is a boy and are still deciding on a girl's name. I'm going to be one of those annoying people who keep things a secret until certain information is provided - LOL! I slept pretty well but have to admit I was nervous when I went into birdie's room to get him up for the morning!

Weezerj - I'm thinking a boy, too, based on all the red. Yes, birdie's feet are darker than I would expect for an Illigers. I hope hat doesn't mean he is some kind of strange hybrid!

Thanks everyone for all your comments! It is fun to share birdie's first days at home with you!
Wow! What a pretty bird!
The shot of him/her snoozing is absolutely adorable!

Try not to spoil it too much! (impossible, I know :p )
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Spoiling has already begun, ChocoboFun!

How is Harvey doing? Would love to see photos!
Love the sleeping pic. Your Birdie's coloring is just beautiful. Congrats :)
OMG that first picture! Cutest baby EVER! I'm in love!
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You don't have to twist my arm to share more pics! Will take more today and post later this afternoon!

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