Hysterectomy - Green Cheek Conure (Birdie)


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Jun 7, 2024
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Green Cheek Conure : Birdie & Mango
Hi, my Green Cheek Conure ~ Birdie, she was taking to the vet on Monday (3rd of June). She was taken to the vet originally because her partner Mango & her, were doing the naughty business, & Birdie has a history of egg laying. Birdie has a sensitive liver & I have chosen not to have baby birds, so they both get implants. They hadn't had there implants changed over a year & was looking for the implants to get changed. ~ also, Birdie was looking a little pregnant, or had a little bit of a bulge stomach (I thought it was an egg). To I then get a call from my vet, (after an xray done) they have found a fluid or a soft circular shape in her stomach. Birdie weighted 87gram on Monday, (she only weight that much if she has an egg) ~but the xray showed no egg. Tonight I got a call from the vets, her weights is 77 grams with her new green vegetables diet, no pellets, all green & budgies seed. They have place the implants in her yesterday, with also a bearing xray (I think it called) and that has confirmed that there possibly or Puss or a growth in her ovaries. They are saying possibly of hysterectomy surgery ~ but she is pooping & eating ok. I'm extremely worried if Birdie has to go down the root of surgery. I'm scared of losing her. Birdie is only 9 years old, turning 10 in November. Has anyone else conure had a hysterectomy done & was successful? Is there any sort of natural or other way to help Birdie? I'm going up to see the vet tomorrow.
Any information helps.
I'm extremely worried & not sure what to do.
Birdie's health is a concern, especially considering surgery. Despite potential issues, she's still eating and pooping normally. Follow your vet's advice, ask questions about the surgery, and consult with them before trying new treatments or supplements. Stay positive, provide love, and support for Birdie during this challenging time.
Actual surgery for parrots is not something to taken lightly or done by any but the most experienced of Avian Vets. They do not do well with anesthesia and lets face it - its pretty darn small exacting work in there.

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