Two questions please


New member
Jul 26, 2015
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Tiffin Ohio
I had a 15 yo quaker parrot that just recently passed away. And I now have a gcc named Altair (Al) hatch date 3-13-15.
Ok I have 2 questions. Al's wings were clipped when we got him. He started his first molt a week ago. I'm wondering how long before his flight feathers grow back? I never had Taz's wings clipped so not quite sure how long it takes.
Second question is Al's leg band is higher on his leg not by his foot. It turns fine and doesn't look red or irritated but it seems to bother Al. Is there a way to get it lower on his leg?
His flight feathers might take a couple of moults due to the fact they cannot lose them all at the same time in the wild or the would be jungle fodder.
Birds are hardwired to sense the lost of the ability to fly and as a result will target replacement of needed flight feathers to regain flight ASAP.

How long it will take is based on the health of the parrot, its diet, and the type of wing clipping they received. In this writing, flight is defined as can safely land from a height of 6' with in 18' of distance for heavy bodied parrots. Out to 24 plus feet for light bodied parrots.

Always verify that the individual that is cutting your parrot's wings has the proper training! You want to see several examples of their work. Never assume that they know what they are doing. You need to know what a proper wing cut should look like to be able to judge.

A dropped stone cut: Never recommended! Parrot has Zero flight abilities. Can take up to a year to recover flight.

Primary & Secondary cut: Commonly 5 to 8 months. This cut can easily go wrong in the hands of someone not property trained.

Presentation cut: Commonly 2 to 5 months. This cut leaves the first three to four outer Primary feathers fully intact. Limited length cutting of the Secondary and those Primary feathers between the Secondary and outer Primary feathers. This cut is commonly used for Show Birds, but is also recommended for limiting flight of companion parrot. This cut requires a professional that fully understands what is needed for Show Bird applications. Light bodied, large winded and tailed birds can get limited lift with four to five miles per hour wind. All birds will have safe landings with varying distance depending on the parrot and whether it was a flyer or not prior to the cut.

Leg bands are for small parrots/birds only and can easily catch on cage bars, etc... Once the parrot is an Adult, the location of the band in set and would require cut-off and and new one installed if you want to change it's location. Mid-size Amazons, Grays and larger parrots should have chips.
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A vet can cut the band off for you, and it does not need to be replaced. You can just keep it in a safe place so you have access to the info:)
Thank you for the replies. I'll probably just get his band removed by the vet as Terry suggested. I think Al's primary feathers are what were clipped not sure about secondary he will let me pet under wings but not extend them. But the feathers that are supposed to be long are kinda boxy.

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