Another leg band question…


Jan 25, 2021
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So I’m now know that my Sun Conure and my yellow sided gcc have leg band that have BBF for their lettering. There’s numbers there too, but I’m more wanting to know if anyone has an idea what the BBF is? Both bands are open bands added after-the -fact. Store code? Breeder/importer code? State code? Help!
Oh… the suns band is not color coded while the gcc has a blue band.
BBF may be the breeder or aviary they came from.

Maybe you could find breeders located near where you got your conures and call or email to see if they produced your birds?

I have tried to do that with Willow but haven’t had much luck. Then again, I wasn’t his first owner and I don’t know where he came from.
Leg bands have zero standardization and have zero meaning except to the person who put them on. There is no national or state database or registry of leg band numbers or anything like that. It would be good for all parties involved (except maybe to thieves or flippers), breeders, vets, owners, LEO's, etc etc. but alas no.
Leg bands have zero standardization and have zero meaning except to the person who put them on. There is no national or state database or registry of leg band numbers or anything like that. It would be good for all parties involved (except maybe to thieves or flippers), breeders, vets, owners, LEO's, etc etc. but alas no.
That’s true. But, if you were in Chicago and bought an African grey parrot, found ten breeders near Chicago who bred greys, and one of them used a prefix like “bff” and a year, you could ask if they bred a chick with band # such and such.

With poultry, you can get whatever # you want. It’s just for the individual to tell their birds apart. But those are wing bands, not leg bands.
37 years ago, I found the Rickeybird's legband/interpretation/everything by exhaustively canvassing every bird breeder in New Mexico... pre-internet days, ya know. Finally found her. It was worth every it of trouble.

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