I know there are a million threads about this kind of thing. I have read most of them
But it's still so hard to try to narrow down in your own head.
I would reaaally love some guidance/suggestions.
After wanting a parrot forever, I finally got two little budgies from a breeder this April. They are adorable but have really pushed me MORE into wanting a bigger bird.
First - I do not intend to get another bird until the budgies are a year old, because I don't want to take any attention away from them while they are still maturing and I am still learning how to "bird mom".
But, I am the kind of person who does ALL the research - so I am trying to pin down what kind of bird I intend to get so I can focus my knowledge gathering efforts for the next 9 or so months.
Here is what I am pretty sure I want.. somewhat ranked in importance.
1) Not likely to be mean to the little budgies. This bird will be my baby, but they were here first so they have to come first.
2) Will do well as a "single" bird. They will have the budgies of course, but I'd like this bird to bond with us humans more. I also don't want to end up with a whole aviary right now
3) Able to be a "family" bird with the right socializing. I know that most parrots are going to be one-person birds, but I would like them to enjoy interacting with my bf as well - and not be attacking him. We also have a little nephew that comes to stay for a couple of days once a year or so, and I'd love for him to be able to interact with my bird (under supervision). I know certain breeds are more prone to biting without warning - so, I want to avoid that.
3a) In that same vein.. I should probably avoid breeds that are known to be on the more skittish side. This one is going to be part of the family, 100% in the midst of it. The budgies are out flying around my living room frequently, and they sit with us to watch tv in the evening. We haven't held back from noise around them and they have been awesome with it.
4) A likely talker would be AWESOME. I know that cannot be guaranteed.. still, one of the things I love most about interacting with animals is training. I love psychology and there is something deeply satisfying/thrilling to me about working with dogs/kids/birds in that teacher role. Earning their respect and watching them learn amazing things. I want to do tricks, obedience, any of it and all of it. Sadly my budgies are not that into it
5) Oil based feathers preferable, not dust. Not just for cleanliness and possible human allergies, but to protect the budgies too.
6) A bird that is more likely to be okay with touch. Just some head kisses, neck scritches, chilling on my shoulder .. I know full on cuddling is a no go.
Basically I LOVE my budgies but there are a few things that I wish we could add to our relationship. They do not like to be touched at all, they come to me for treats and such but nothing else. They will sit on a perch near me, but never on my shoulder. They will sit in my hand to eat but once they are done they fly away. They have fun with clicker training in very short bursts but not to the extent that we can do much.
Some breeds I have looked at/considered:
Cockatoos. I love how cuddly they are, but I worry that as much attention as I want to give them - it still might not be enough. These birds be crazy. Also, the dust. Mostly ruled them out.
Quakers. Their little faces are so CUTE. Their personalities seem good. But I worry about the cage aggression?
Eclectus. Gorgeous, friendly .. these guys seem awesome. Only two reservations with them so far. Keeping up with the non-pelleted diet.. I've started making and freezing chop for my budgies to get myself in that habit, but their mainstay is still pellets. And the hormones.. I've read they are particularly bad with these guys.
So. Opionions? Suggestions?
Am I letting potential horror stories scare me away from my best breed?
No bird is going to be flawless but is there a breed I might be missing that has more of the qualities I am into?
Sorry for the length but THANK YOU if you read and responded