Trend of using nitrogen gas for home food storage


Well-known member
Nov 15, 2024
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Female Congo Grey
I see that Harrison's is offering nitrogen gas. It's supposed to aid increasing food stirage times. This is supposed to be great especially for fresh foods, chop etc. Anyone heard/given this a trial? My searching to safely and effectiveness has yielded...yes, but. This worries me. In some drug, sporting, stores you see hype for oxygen. To boost performance, decrease fatigue etc. But labels have so many disclaimers you can write a book! Is this another such, Interested in reponses.
Nitrogen gas is pumped into potato chip packages and other snack food to prevent spoilage from oxidation. It's harmless wheèn used like this. Breathing large amounts of nitrogen gas is deadly but so is breathing any other pure gas like CO CO2 O2 etc. Harrision's bird foods (and all other pellet foods) are nutrient dense and prone to spoilage unless protected like this. I would trust it. Spoiled food is far worse for our birds.
Forget the sports store oxygen and oxygen bar gimmicks. They have no similarities to using nitrogen gas to store perishable food products. I wouldn't fall for the oxygen hype but we have all been eating snacks packaged this way for a long time. N2 is nitrogen gas and it's inert (oxygen free) so it won't combine with anything in food to form any other compound. Inhaling large amounts of concentrated nitrogen gas is dangerous but the atmosphere is 78% nitrogen gas already. Using it like this does not pose any risk to life, human or avian.
This is a good question and I hope you feel better about it.
Sorry wasn't clear. For home use of nitrogen. Companies have to meat reglating criteria.
As former SCUBA diver we had take classes and to pass testing to use nitrox. Jome users won't have to do anything. Just buy and use.
Would it be possible to make a food storage space in your house that uses nitrogen as the atmosphere inside that space? Why, yes of course. Likely to cost more then your house, but yes.
I have tons of experience with Nitrogen in a gas form. Stay far clear of liquid nitrogen.

Nitrogen gas is very useful as a means of preventing spoilage! That said, it is best for applications in which a 'dry to very dry' environment is a benefit. As a result, I am unsure of its benefits with veggies and fruits.

Harrisons' sells dry Parrot foods and use nitrogen to improve shelve life of their product.

I would not recommend nitrogen gas for home use as there is only a limited use and as Wrench stated, it is expensive to purchase the equipment and tank rental.
Thanks for the replies. Harrison's is offering nitrogen gas containers to aid bird food, especially fresh chop preservation. It worries me. Anyone trying to find a place to legally dispose of propane tanks will understand this is another potential environmental hazard.
The nitrogen gas cylinders I use are almost indestructible and when they no longer pass test are recyclable.
They have to be hydrostatic tested every 10 yrs. Never had one fail yet. Refills or exchange on straight nitrogen is cheap. I own all my gas cylinders so I don't pay rental fees but I have to pay for the 10 yr tests @ about 40 bucks currently.
Okay just looked at what Harrisons is selling. Basically an aerosol can with nitrogen. I can see what you mean disposable and expensive plus I bet shipping is high.
I've always just kept my pellets in the refrigerator or vacuum packed.

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