I am fortunate my CAG doesn't have any #1 favorite treats. She'll cooperate for pecans (in shell or not), walnuts, pine nuts, pistachios, pumpkin or squash seeds, sunflower seeds. For entertainment (mine), I put 2 sunflower or pistachios in a toe foraging tube. Use a toothpick or similar to lodge near center. The mental effort she spends not to waste is hysterical! I rotate these treat rewards so she doesn't get bored and ignore them. The only 'veggies' she'll eat as fast are sweet potatoes and butternut squash. Once Nameliss learned how these things tasted training became easy. I show her, give command like come here and reward. It didn't take long for getting her to step on hand, get into carrier either. I always had plans for an avian harness. I used bits of treats to allow me to handle wings, feet, toes. I roast the squash, pumpkin seeds myself. Everything else is raw, packed, vacuum sealed and stored in freezer. I like variety with treats. It helps when something is unavailable (or I'm lazy). Remember TAG/CAG are great observers and intelligent. They love puzzling things out. You have a reaction to something that they find interesting. It's unpredictable and matters only to them. Imagine having a dog with high volume, aromatic and loud farts. You are in habit of groaning and holding your breath. Then a light turns on. Where's that delectable aroma? A giant feathered step forward in training your human has been achieved!