Training Guide specifically for Amazons


New member
Nov 4, 2022
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Double Yellow Head Amazon
Hey everyone, this is my first post. Iā€™m skimming through a lot of the forums but I was just wondering if there is any training guides specifically for Amazons you recommend?

I am a brand new parrot owner and got my DYH Amazon when he was 3 and a half months old, I hand fed him as my personal decision to get him at that age. He is weaned now and 7 and a half months old. He naturally steps up to me with no hesitation, flies to me when he sees me leaving a room, climbs up to my shoulder and he enjoyed the neck scratches too and he loves being around me, however lately he is gaining his aggressions so now, everything that I was comfortable doing with him is now possibly ending with a scab that never heals on my finger. He likes to bite my neck for no reason. He flies to my moms hair and starts picking at it and he bites me if I try to get him off.

At first I used to let him around the house since he flew to the places that were bird friendly, now he is off exploring and ripping things apart. Even though he has 10 plus toys to play with around his designated spots.

He is trained in clicker training (during his hand feeding stage i even trained him to click the target when heā€™s ready for his next syringe, recall training is 70% there, ā€œgo thereā€ training only works if he knows there is a treat coming.

He is on mixed fruit, veggies, Harrisonā€™s, and a small amount of mixed seeds and nuts, since heā€™s still going and I want him to explore different food options. He has an obsession with Red Hot Chili Peppers from the garden

Heā€™s biting is getting worse and Iā€™m kinda at a loss here. There are times in the day that he just enjoys being cuddled but now it feels like he sees everything and everyone as a chew toy.

Thank you in advanced.
Use the search function and look up "Bite pressure training". THat is one side of it, teaching him what is too much pressure when he is mouthing something or some one. THe other side is teaching him what No Bite is. For that, there is what is known as the SHunning method. THis is how parrots in the wild discipline unruly youngsters. WHen he bites and you are 100% certain it was NOT your fault, Say to No Bite and immediately place him on a neutral spot, like a handy chair back. Turn your back to him, no eye contact no talking to or about him, for 1 minute. Longer and he will loose the meaning. After that you can try reapproaching him.

Notice I said if it was not your fault. Amazons have a whole body language that owners have to become very fluent in. They telegraph their feelings and intent more then any other kind of parrot.. That language is different for each individual, but they have some commonly shared 'tells'. Pinned eyes, ruffled head and neck feathers, body stance, wing stance are what you watch for. Learn each what each of these look like in your DYH. An Excellent thread on AMazon Body Language is at the top of our Amazon sub-forum.

Its very important to get these 2 areas right, because he is at that testing stage, seeing what he can and cannot get away with. Yu want this firmly in hand as he goes into puberty, which can be a very WILD ride, especially with one of the Hot THree AMazons (yours is one of them).

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