Today is the day!!

Thank you for all the advice you've all giving me! Jasper is still doing good. Right now, he's climbing around on the computer desk... and all over me lol, he climbed onto my shoulder and started trying to 'fix' my hair for me- made me a bit nervous, but he lost interest fairly quick. He is stepping up like a pro and chattering and acting like he's been here his whole life :)
Yay thats awesome
just be aware if this is his 1st day or 2 you may not have such a great repore tomorrow
when I first brought Merlin home he was awesome did everything perfect for the 1st 2 days but once the shock wore off he wasn't quite so nice
not saying it happens with all birds but please just be aware
I'd hate him to be on your shoulder ANd suddenly attack your facev
Yeah, I've read about the 'honeymoon period'. Be nice if he was like this all the time, he's been so sweet this evening. I really didn't like having him up on my shoulder, but he would run up my arm faster than I could stop him, and then run back and forth across my shoulders so I STILL couldn't get him.

What should I do when he does bite me? Instinct seems to be to jump back but I'm not really sure what the best reaction is.
The best reaction is no reaction !
I know it's much easier said than done but birds are drama queens they love a reaction and yelling etc will only encourage more biting in attempts to get the same reaction
or it will teach him if I bite I get let go etc etc whatever your trying to do and he don't want to
example : go to get bird from cage
Bird bites
You put bird back or leave him alone
bird sees this as awesome " if I bite I get my own way "

many other members can help you more but that's just the bases
My adopted ekkie calmed down biting a lot with toweling after a bath. Parrots become quite docile after a bath and by gently toweling them and giving them a pet or petting them over the towel they will learn that your hands are safe and mean no harm. I also just wrestled and played with her beak a lot. She was a real biter (drew blood on my husband) but she doesn't bite me anymore. (:
I've always found it impossible to not react to a bite. I think I'm just a "wuss"....I verbally reprimand Fred when he bites. It works well, once you've gained the bird's trust, and he is no longer fearful. The only time Fred bites now, is in the morning on the way to his day cage. I've actually just discovered that if I say "Be a good boy, Fred" before we start, he doesn't bite then, either. Fred didn't have a "honeymoon" period, so you may not have to worry. Fred basically had some bad habits with biting, and has improved drastically. I'm rambling, but trying to say that your guy may just be as you see him. If he does try to assert himself, it's easily correctable. Have fun...Jasper sounds like a lot of fun!!!
Ok, today is going good too! He's come out of his cage twice on his own, but when I put my hand in there he jumps right on. He's let me touch his beak, and... I think he licked my hand. LOL. He likes bananas and grapes... He doesn't like to EAT green beans, but he does enjoy throwing them at me. Same with the pellets. But, I am pretty sure I saw him taste one when he didn't know I was looking.

Right now, I only have one concern. And he has a well-bird check up at the vet's on Tuesday and it is an avian vet clinic. He spends a LOT of time grooming himself- I really have nothing to compare him to though, so that might be perfectly normal. But I've noticed when he lifts his wings up I can see bald, red, irritated-looking patches directly under them- close to his underarms, if he had underarms that is lol. Am I explaining this right? But he won't let me lift his wings up to look, so I only get glimpses every now and then. But it looks like he has some red spots on his back too but again, its hard to tell b/c he won't let me lift up his wings. Could he be plucking? The way they made a point of telling me he was molting was kind of odd. It was like... "hi-he's-molting!!" it was the first thing they told me.

He will let pet him, as long as I don't touch his head. but when I do forget and touch his head, he doesn't bite, he just gives me dirty looks. I can touch his back, and he climbs all over me. He spent two hours in my lap watching Dr. Phil episodes from the DVR lol. So as far as his behavior goes, he is still doing really good!
It's great that you see an Avian vet on Tuesday. He really shouldn't have red, irritated spots even when molting...
It's great that you see an Avian vet on Tuesday. He really shouldn't have red, irritated spots even when molting...

That's what I was thinking too. I don't know much about molting... but other than under his wings his feathers are in GREAT condition from what I can tell. There are no pin feathers or anything like that coming in. He's constantly messing with his back and every so often I see him throw a feather down into the bottom of his cage.
So, how is Jasper settling in? He sounds like a sweetie and I love that he was chatting nonstop!
Hey Zoe been wondering myself how Jasper is
Please send us an update !
I just brought home my 6 week Alex baby and I can't wait till he's bigger and causing us lots of laughs and trouble
Oh I'm sorry I didn't see the previous two replies... I did post an update though in a separate thread!!

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