Ok, today is going good too! He's come out of his cage twice on his own, but when I put my hand in there he jumps right on. He's let me touch his beak, and... I think he licked my hand. LOL. He likes bananas and grapes... He doesn't like to EAT green beans, but he does enjoy throwing them at me. Same with the pellets. But, I am pretty sure I saw him taste one when he didn't know I was looking.
Right now, I only have one concern. And he has a well-bird check up at the vet's on Tuesday and it is an avian vet clinic. He spends a LOT of time grooming himself- I really have nothing to compare him to though, so that might be perfectly normal. But I've noticed when he lifts his wings up I can see bald, red, irritated-looking patches directly under them- close to his underarms, if he had underarms that is lol. Am I explaining this right? But he won't let me lift his wings up to look, so I only get glimpses every now and then. But it looks like he has some red spots on his back too but again, its hard to tell b/c he won't let me lift up his wings. Could he be plucking? The way they made a point of telling me he was molting was kind of odd. It was like... "hi-he's-molting!!" it was the first thing they told me.
He will let pet him, as long as I don't touch his head. but when I do forget and touch his head, he doesn't bite, he just gives me dirty looks. I can touch his back, and he climbs all over me. He spent two hours in my lap watching Dr. Phil episodes from the DVR lol. So as far as his behavior goes, he is still doing really good!