I am wondering if i should get a love bird.
If you think i should please reply and tell me how many you think i should get. :jumping40:jumping40:jumping40:jumping40
If you have any questions please feel free to ask.
No, I don't. Not that I have anything against lovebirds, my all time favorite bird was a lovebird, it's because you've mentioned that you have a budgie and that you want a buddy for him. A lovebird is more likely to attack a budgie than buddy-up to one.
Of course, if you want a lovebird and have no expectation of it getting along with your budgie, then get one, provided your life circumstances allow for it.
I agree with Megapixel! Lovebirds, Parrolets, Lories, etc. Some of the birds that don't play nice with others. I have kept Budgies with Cockatiels for many years without much issues but a hormonal Cockatiel hen will not hesitate to kill a Budgie! And some Budgies can pester Cockatiels and pick at them as well.