Remember that not all cockys will behave like yours did and there are at least 10 species of them so trying to characterise all of them from one experience is totally unfair. They are individuals and if someone is getting one then it's a great idea to have a back up plan. It certainly helped you having somewhere to take that cocky. Iv seen many people come onto this forum with birds that have become unmanageable big birds and small so having such a plan is a great idea.
I love cockys my Godmother has always owned one my whole life but let's label them all unsuitable.
What then are some medium sized parrots that are more suitable?
Iv started a thread asking this same question so it will be interesting getting people's opinions
I’ll put in my two cents and say I think she was just saying that ‘Toos are generally a bad idea. They are very sensitive and as she and others (including myself) have pointed out, they are not easy birds to have.
I am not trying to be rude, or mean, but please, take some consideration into the advice that is being given and what is being said. I understand that you really want a cockatoo, and I know that feeling! There are so many parrot species I would LOVE to have someday, but I know they would never be compatible with me. But please, sit down and think for a really long time about your future, your finances, your current situation, and if you can handle a bigger bird. Write down the pros and the cons that you read here. Really think about this. Adding any parrot of any species is absolutely life changing, especially if you have another parrot.
Could you handle buying more toys at a faster rate? Can you afford and maintain a much larger cage? Do you have the space? Can you afford thousands of dollars on the bird’s care? Do you plan on having kids? Plan on moving out of the country? etc. are all things you should really consider. Again, I am not saying this to be mean or rude or anything. These are serious questions that you must ask yourself and think long and hard about, before doing anything.
Spend some time around cockatoos. Rescues, breeders, maybe foster one, or hang out with those who have one. Handle them, get to know what they’re like, and see if you can handle the screaming. Again, let me preface this by saying I am not trying to be rude, combative, or the like, I just want to help guide you into making the right call.
I’m not saying you should or you should not, I am just saying that these are things you absolutely HAVE to consider. It is okay if a parrot species isn’t compatible with you, and it’s great if a species is!