Tips on Training Conures how to talk


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Mar 13, 2014
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I live in the mountains on a farm. It is so much
I have 2 conures. One is a Sun named Mango who is my little gymnast and he is two years old. Kiwi, a mischievous little Green Cheek is one and a half.

I would love to have any info you have to offer on this topic, whether it be links to sites or your own experience. Thanks!
Yes I would like this info too!
How I taught my two lories to talk, was just to talk with them as if they were a little baby. It's key to say phrases and words that you won't mind them saying back to you.

When we left the house, we'd tell her "bye-bye"... and she'd say bye-bye back. Then I thought we'd add to it "see ya later"... so we started saying "bye-bye, see ya later!"... right away she said that back to us.

Birds who are capable of talking can learn a word after only hearing it one time. When they decide to say it, is their choice. They will easily repeat words and phrases said with passion, whether that is over the top happiness, anger, loving, etc. So when telling them "I love you"... be sure to say it like you really mean it, they will feel the vibe and say it to you with the same emotion.
Sun conures are not known to be good talkers or will they ever learn how to talk. Some people say theirs talk, mine does not talk at all. She chatters and screams, that's about it. Green Cheek can learn how to talk, just keep on repeating phrases, when you do the training, try to be one on one without any interruption from your other bird. In a separate room if possible. The only conure I've owned in the past that talked for me was a Nanday Conure.
One owner (not of a GCC though) had one of those motion sensor halloween candy container. Well, after walking past for almost a month their bird started to pick up Halloween phrases!

Maybe you could try do something like that? I don't have the entire though of how it would work but something along the lines of that.
As MikeyTN said, suns are not known to be talkers. That's not to say they can't pick up words here and there. Mine tries to talk. You can tell when he is trying to say something by the "voice" he uses. He can say "hello, hi, hi" very clearly. Also, "want cracker". Everything else is just a guess at what he's saying. We "think" he says a couple phrases that are not so it's probably good that it's not real clear. He does try to repeat what my Amazon and Too say, but it's not clear when he says it. I would just stick to some simple words/phrases and keep repeating it to them. Try to use the same inflection in your voice each time. If you have a way to set up a recorder/player, you could play it when you are not home and maybe it would help him to pick it up. Good luck!

Sorry, I just noticed you have one sun and one GCC. (I thought you had 2 Suns) I've never owned a GCC but it is my understanding that they might talk easier/better than suns.
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