Tips for a baby grey owner?!


New member
Jul 31, 2013
Congo African Grey
Hello all!

So Petri is doing awesome, he is almost ready for his big cage! He got up on his perch all by himself last week. I was there to see the first time--like watching a baby take its first steps!!! Lol. I noticed he would just keep one foot up there and flap his wings and try and get the other one up. And then at night, he did that and got it up! Now he's always on his perch :). I also had been introducing him to new things every day. I would put them in his tank in the morning for him to explore, and would eventually find it buried later in the day. He would just stop and stare at them before going to them...but NOW! The moment I put something new in his cage, he goes right over to it and starts playing. He's so confident and he's a little adventurer. Not to mention an escape artist...My dad had found his cage door open last week :O ! So I had to go out and get a little lock for it lol I saw him one day playing with the lock and thought to myself "He's trying to open it!" I was right. But now I know to watch out for that and have to take extra precautions. He loves new places/rooms in my house and gets right down to exploring every inch of a new room we go into. I love him:grey:

So, what I am wondering...since he is still fairly young, what should I be doing in means of "training" so as to help him keep growing up confident and idk the word I am looking for, but I guess just making sure I am not unknowingly enforcing bad behaviors. Any tips or advice would be helpful!

He doesn't step up yet, but when I have to pick him up I lift him a little for him to put one foot up, and then he gets the other one on it. As I do this I always say "up." This way, when I do start training, this word will be nothing new to him.
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Oh, and he LOVES to eat. He's starting to wean and tries anything I give him (as long as I put a piece in my mouth first lol). It's funny because he watches me intently when I'm eating and I just know what he's thinking..."I'd like a piece now, please." Lol. He lovesss his brown rice and black beans, carrots, RASBERRYS, cheerios--I put a bunch on a string and hung them in his cage....gone within seconds! haha He's the best!
Oh, my!

I think he's defective...

You should probably give hime to me! LOL

Sounds like you are doing fine. Others more experienced than I am should be able to give you more advice, but I would continue to bond with him as well as working with him around others so that he is well socialized and not a one-human bird.

Handling, touch training, clicker?????

Got pictures?

When you feed him, do yu use a Petri dish?
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Haha no but I did start putting parrot recipes into a binder for him titled "Petri's dishes" :) and yes they are in my home page. I need to post a Couple jmore ! Lol he's touching the screen and just backspaced a FeW letters.

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