Timneh was full of it today. She was out to destroy everything she could by the end of the day I felt like I was in a war. She actually cracked the plastic frame around my computer monitor. She enjoys shutting my monitor off, she was even trying to take part the table today. I think She got an espresso at Nigel's this morning before I got up. I was bummed she managed to scissor the rubber wheel off my mouse it's like the only decent part of my computer. Hopefully she got her destructiveness out of her system today. She was so focused on destroying stuff I actually picked he up in my hand I thought for sure I was gonna get chomped but nope too focused. It felt really neat too pick her up instead of stepping up. I love my little grey monster but I had to call it a night tonight. I was starting to go a little coo coo playing tug of war with everything I wanted to eat, drink, or use. Lol. So accurate whoever said parrots are like 3 year olds with can openers on their face. Timneh is amazing and I'm pretty sure from day to day she encompasses pretty much all parrots at some point. Everyday is an amazing new adventure with my little grey buddy. Sorry for the long rant thanks for reading.