TImneh not happy with me


New member
Nov 12, 2016
African Grey Timneh
Timneh has gotten much more bold lately and is lending in all sorts of different spots. I think she may have gotten her beak in my coffee today not sure if I got her before she could I’ve bomb it or not. It was a close thing and then she landed on the counter I was scrubbing in the kitchen covered in dawn soap suds. So I chased her with the spray bottle that we use for her baths and she absolutely hates. She even attacked the bottle this time. I got a nice pinch or several she is really awesome for not destroying me. This is the first time I can remember that she won’t step up for me. :-( i did manage to spray her feet down. Yeah she just flew to me all is forgiven. Aaah she gave me a kiss even. Here’s a nice fat cashew for Timneh. I wish Timneh didn’t hate water so much she will giver self a bath usually in her tiny water bowl and not the two different size ceramic bath bowls I have for her. I tried the vacuum trick to get her to wash her own feet but she wasn’t being fooled. Glad she’s not too angry with me.
You got lucky, she quickly got over your poor judgement. :D

I know she is fully flighted, but keep working on teaching flight paths and landing areas. At this point, it sounds like she is in exploring everywhere and everything. So, its good to keep working on 'approved' safe flight paths and landing areas! Not that she will paid to much attention, but if she makes an emergency flight, having those paths prelearned will only help!

Our Amazon hates anything that looks like a spray bottle. Like bad memories of his past life. What I have found is that a small 'misting' only type bottle will work with our guy, once he has gotten himself kind of wet in his like side bowl. As he is finishes, I mist high in the air above him! So, he is okay with that, go figure!
Kermit has recently started landing on top of the door. Good thing he is recall trained! Now I must remember to always look up before opening and closing the birdroom door.
Ducky loves mist baths, Bluebell tolerates them sometimes, Kermit just shakes the mist off, and Pearl flies for her life when she sees that spray bottle. Birds are weird.
Smokey hated anything to do with water,except drinking it. Try a misting bottle and she'd just hunker down,draw her arms in as close as possible and shake her head back and forth. But as soon as she got back in her house it was PLOP SPLASH WIGGLE TOSS in the water bowl...yep,go figure.

Even though she had a full set of sleeves on her arms she never was able to gain altitude,always flying maybe 1.5 feet off the ground.

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Timneh is a great flier and can even fly around the house through rooms that have no light on. She has her routes down pretty well. I’ve been putting her table too perches that she doesn’t like on the counters I want her to use them and she almost got on one of them the other day. Then decided it wasn’t worth the risk.
All Byrds R Weirde

Salty - dislikes water but tolerates a spray bottle once in a while , same for shower perch. Always finishes up inhis water bowl.

Even tho clipped, he will dive bomb Geri in her wheelchair, if she's within 8 feet or so. My biggest worry he will dive for the floor for a walk about,she wont see him and run Salty over. .

I'd say Timneh was pretty forgiving ,for a Grey. From what I've read ,they can hold grudges longer then my Boss, who routinely bring up boo boos from 20yrs ago.
Just put your birds in the shower guys! I did it will Ollie and he likes it now and gets mad if I take a shower without him and screams at me from his play stand in the master bathroom. With Finley I just took him in and plopped him on the shower perch and let him get missed a bit and then put the water on him. He wasn't in love with it but he's fine with it and certainly doesn't like to be left out if Ollie and I are having a shower. It's easier than you think...also don't show fear, just put them in there with the attitude like "duh ofc this is where you shower".
We tried warm water in several different spray bottles. Arika hated it.
We tried a light misting in the shower, she hated it.

One day we noticed her trying to get herself wet in her water bowl (picture a full size macaw trying to fit in a water bowl).

What worked was a plastic tray with warm water and a clean paper towel in the center of the tray.
Curiosity got the best of her and she went for the wet paper towel, surprise she got her feet wet. We took the paper towel and used to to rain on her lightly and she had a blast.

There is a link to the YouTube video on her thread "Arika's World, from the beginning".
The plastic tray has worked several times and she is even enjoying a blow dry with warm air from the hair dryer.

Give the tray or pan of water a try to see if it works. Be prepared to get wet yourself :)

Kelly, Karl, and Arika

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