Time to escape the perch...


Active member
Jul 14, 2015
Reaction score
Maine, USA
Willow the Umbrella Cockatoo
I think it's time to escape. I wonder what's the easiest way?


Maybe this will work?


Nope, not big enough. Maybe I can chop this thing down?


Nope. Too thick. Maybe I'll use this rope thing.



Maybe if I chop it off?



I give up. I'll try again tomorrow.


UGH SO CLOSE.... that picture cracks me up! TOO FUNNY
LOL! Funny how the larger birds often make use of their feet and beak rather than the obvious gift of flight, or flutter to the ground.

I'm guessing this behavior - and I see this frequently - is an artifact of birds in captivity vs the great outdoors?
LOL! Funny how the larger birds often make use of their feet and beak rather than the obvious gift of flight, or flutter to the ground.

I'm guessing this behavior - and I see this frequently - is an artifact of birds in captivity vs the great outdoors?

She's fully flight-capable, however she seems to only "chose" to fly when she's scared. (Either startled or if she falls/miss-steps.)

I'm working on trying to get her to come to me when called, problem is she doesn't exactly go nuts (pun intended) for treats, the few she does like.

I just get quite the kick out of watching her, lol
Love, love, love these photos! Willow is such a beauty! Looks like she's really enjoying her play stand. Upside down seems to be a natural state for a Too and they're so cute hanging by one toe.
Love, love, love these photos! Willow is such a beauty! Looks like she's really enjoying her play stand. Upside down seems to be a natural state for a Too and they're so cute hanging by one toe.

Allee, quick question for ya, Do you have a harness for your U2?
I haven't ordered a harness for her, Tom. Poppy is very frightened of going outside, we're working on it but it really terrifies her for some reason. I know she would wear a harness with no problem. I'd love to see Poppy fly but for now she has other ideas.
Upgraded the perch, hopefully this should cut down on the mess, lol

Oh Tom! Very nice perch and a sweet gift but you'll be amazed at the creative messes Willow can make on her new stand! Good news is, clean up is easier. Poppy has the same play stand, it took her weeks to make friends with it but she loves it now.
Oh Tom! Very nice perch and a sweet gift but you'll be amazed at the creative messes Willow can make on her new stand! Good news is, clean up is easier. Poppy has the same play stand, it took her weeks to make friends with it but she loves it now.

If it means 1/2 less on the floor...I'll chalk it up to a win, lol.

And Willow isn't entirely in love with it, but I'm sure she'll get used to it in time.
Lucky Willow, living the grand life! Nice cage plus terrific adjacent play stand!!
LOL! Funny how the larger birds often make use of their feet and beak rather than the obvious gift of flight, or flutter to the ground.

I'm guessing this behavior - and I see this frequently - is an artifact of birds in captivity vs the great outdoors?

Cockies act like that in the wild too! They use their beaks and feet a lot when playing. It's so fun to watch! There are so many sulphur crested and corella (bare eyed) flocks in Sydney. You see them everywhere. Here are some videos of them if you haven't seen already!

[ame="http://youtu.be/BM6ONiQFGS4"]Funny Cockatoo Video - Crazy Corellas - YouTube[/ame]

And crouching tiger hidden cockatoo!

[ame="http://youtu.be/ctAoLoMxaQI"]Crouching Tiger, Hidden Cockatoo - YouTube[/ame]

Although these guys are probably using their wings way more than a pet cocky indoors would.
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Lucky Willow, living the grand life! Nice cage plus terrific adjacent play stand!!

That's her "daytime" cage, she has a full sized one in my room for when nobody is home and sleeping.

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