Time out in the sunshine changes the way my bird smells

M&M Ninja

New member
Feb 23, 2025
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Gold-capped conure
My TAG always smelled really wonderful. Like some mixture of flowers, fried chicken and baby powder. [<- I know that sounds gross.] It's hard to describe, but it was really amazing. When you'd get downwind of him, it was just a happy, pleasant smell.

My gold-capped conure has always smelled so-so. Mostly, she smells musty or like a pet store. (Her cage is clean, and this lackluster aroma remains even after a bath.)

HOWEVER, if she has been outside in the sun, her smell completely changes. She smells sweeter with some floral elements, along the lines of my TAG.

Anybody else experience this? Any theories on what the sun is doing?
Absolutely agree. My macaw has no scent when indoors for days, but when he goes outside (mostly deep shade—we live in Florida so the sun is brutal), he gets a VERY strong smell—kind of fruity, kind of powdery. I like the smell a lot, but it is strong!

Maybe birds emit an odor (like pheromones) to attract other parrots? I have no idea. There must be something in the feathers that reacts to fresh air (not necessarily sunlight).
Absolutely agree. My macaw has no scent when indoors for days, but when he goes outside (mostly deep shade—we live in Florida so the sun is brutal), he gets a VERY strong smell—kind of fruity, kind of powdery. I like the smell a lot, but it is strong!

Maybe birds emit an odor (like pheromones) to attract other parrots? I have no idea. There must be something in the feathers that reacts to fresh air (not necessarily sunlight).
Yay! I'm so glad to have my experience corroborated!

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