This or That?

PLANE PLANE PLANE (trains suck)

U2 or SC2? (can't think of any non-bird questions)
airplane there much faster

sky dive or Go on the worlds highest roller coaster

Meyers or red bellied?
Red bellied

Play video games for a day strait or have a parrot screeching directly into your ear for 5 minutes
Movie...can never get into series

Ekkie or zon
Ekkie duh.

walk a mile or run a mile.

Millet or Pidgey?
Tikiiiiii..... because shes a cockatiel

Ride in a bug kind of car or ride on a buss

Julius or Petals?
ill make it easier for poor birdgirl..

kai or cricket?
Julius Atleast when he bites he dosent tryanna kill u.

Golden conure or budgie.

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