This or That?

Oh yeah, real chicken
I'm not a vegan! RED MEAT RED MEAT

Parakeet Gym or Parrot Ladder
Parakeet gym - more activity.

A cage with a gym on top or a cage that has a door that folds open, like a porch?
One that folds open. (I hate my play tops. They don’t use it much and it’s just more to dust off.)

Driving with lots of traffic in a rain storm, OR getting caught walking in a rain storm (no umbrella)?
driving with lots of traffic
book or movie?

Traditional credit/debit card or Apple Pay or similar for payments?
Traditional credit card/debit card my account was hacked using Apple Pay

Take a vacation on a cruise ship or on a resort?

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What’s a vacation? LOL How about a resort. Scared of the reports of Norovirus breaking out on cruise ships! Ew! Nooo thanks.

Nice mild winters - but terribly high cost of housing/living and homes close together (SoCal)


Harsh winter weather - but affordable cost of living and bigger property (most everywhere else)
SoCal :) I hate winters! You can always go for a holiday for skiing, but everyday life during harsh winters (-15 and below) is terrible. Add to the mix a very short daylight and you got it.
No car or no cellphone for a month?
No cellphone because I have to be able to get to work. I could borrow husbands cellphone if I needed to might be a good thing to be without it for a week!

Coffee or Caffeinated Soda

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Caffeinated soda, because I hate coffee. But tea is my go-to for caffeine!

Leftover Halloween candy or a piece of fruit?
A piece of fruit - Halloween-themed!

Be stranded with snow or thunderstorm?
Thunderstorm.... snow is too cold and messy!

Leftover pizza or Chinese food unheated, right out of the box?
Ice cream
Celebrating New Year at home or outside?
Usually celebrated at home, this year an exception!

Scones or cupcakes?

sweet or sour?

Tea or coffee?
Coffee. I'm a coffee junkie ;)
Science or Humanities?
Sea or mountains?

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