This or That?


Spinach pie or meatloaf?
Spinach pie, of course! (Spanakopita!!)

Thick crust pizza or thin crust pizza?
Thin Crust. As a New Yorker I could accept no other.

Here's a heavy one:

Disproportionate justice or equal retribution?

And a light one, for balance:

Getting to sleep in or waking up early because you wanted to?
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The heavy one: Depends on the crime! In the vast majority of cases, I'd suggest equal retribution. For capital or heinous offenses, disproportionate, leaning towards a stiffer sentence.

The lighter one: Waking up early. I cannot sleep in!

Sweet snacks or salty snacks?
Sweet snacks

History channel or hallmark channel?

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I wanna say during the holidays, hallmark.

Make a sandwich or make a taco?
Desktop for sure at home, tablet or smartphone out of the house.

Big meal at lunch or dinner?
big lunch meal

gas car or electric car?
Electric Car (we have a Tesla and a BMW i3)

Peanut butter or Almond butter?
peanut butter

credit card or debit card?
Debit card.

Bank online or in person?
Hat to say it, but online. So much easier, though it is anti-labor.

Wash car by hand or go to a car wash?
Go to a car wash.

Spinach dip or onion dip?
Spinach dip

Upright or front-load washer/dryer?

Screened patio or gazebo?
Gazebo... unless I lived in a place with lots of bugs!

Drapes or vertical/horizontal blinds?
Vertical Blinds but not the cheap ugly ones...nice ones. Drapes get too dusty especially with birds.

French Language or Spanish Language

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