This or That?

Chicken usually. (I like turkey too though)

Bad breath or Body odor (on other people) :18:
Ugh, will have to go for Bad Breath. At least if the mouth is shut the lingering odor dissipates. The lesser of two evils!

FedEx or UPS for shipping other than local postal service?

Indian ring-neck or Alexandrine parrot (Did I spelled that correctly)

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Indian Ringneck as I have more experience with them.

Moluccan cockatoo or green-winged macaw?
Moluccan cockatoo or green-winged macaw?

Green Wing. That's a tough one, Shawn. Have had both, and really loved the Green Wing personality!!

Chocolate Easter Candy or Peeps marshmallow critters?
Chocolate Easter candy, especially the Lindt milk chocolate hollow bunny.

M&M's or skittles?

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M&M's or skittles?


Jelly beans or Nerds?
Jelly beans or Nerds?

Jelly Beans, especially Jelly Bellys!!

Almonds or walnuts?
This is a toughie - I'd have to go with almonds though!

Cantaloupe or pineapple?
Pineapple. 100% pineapple, I LOVE fresh pineapple.

Snakes or spiders?

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Rain or snow?

Rain, rain, definitely rain!!!

Writing print or cursive?
Vanilla ice cream or French vanilla ice cream?

French vanilla seems a bit richer tasting. But I have to give my total bias towards chocolate! (I do eat vanilla at times!)

Cantaloupe or Honeydew melons?

Watermelon or grapes?
Black & blue

Apples or Oranges?

Oreos or chocolate chip cookies?

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