This or That?


Baseball or football?

Boxers or.....bulldogs.....I bet you were thinking I was gonna say briefs eh? Lol
Boxers :D

Pizza burgers or taco burgers
Taco burgers (?) That sounds delish!

Okay Janine...
Boxers or Briefs?
Left wrist

Would you most rather be seen as attractive or smart?
tough question, I'm both... :) ha...

Okay, smart, cause smart is attractive!

Car that gets good gas mileage or corners at 60?
Corners at 60

Hard Top or Convertible
seaside cottage

Socks or barefoot
Barefoot (well warm weather and socks in winter)

Quilt or comforter

I thinking we're taking a turn towards hoping for cooler weather!!
Comforter (And yes to cold weather)

Coffee or hot chocolate

Palm trees or coconuts?
Pie or cake

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