This is not good

since Paul is a "young'un".......should I throw that "had to walk 10 miles every day to school & it was uphill both ways" thing at him??? :D

sorry, couldn't resist :)

I had to do the same thing as i lived in Scotland as a young'un and Scotland is the worst of all places for hills lol
Where in Scotland? My former boss retired to Glasgow, I visited him there once when I was in the UK for a week! I never dealt with anything but trains outside of London, (not cabs or buses) but I can testify to the fact that the UK trains can suddenly decide to take a train nap for no apparent reason in the middle of no where!
lol WharfRat... I live in TX too and 6 miles in the DFW area is a drop in the bucket. Our vet is at least a good 20-30 minute drive. I even drive 45 minutes to my doctor's lol.
Wow, 6 miles is nothing! My closest avian vet is 1300km - or 807 miles! (Gotta love how spread out Australia is :rolleyes:)

What I've done is had a chat with each of the local vets to find out what experience they have. There is one lady here who isn't an avian vet, but makes an effort to keep up to date with the latest advancements in avian medicine and also ensures to attend the training workshops and conferences each year.

The other thing is that I myself keep up with readings in avian medicine literature myself so I can look out for common signs. The texts aren't cheap - most of the books I have are around $150-$300, but it's something I'm interested in, so I don't mind.
My vet is about 40 miles away! Perhaps you could keep an emergency stash of cab money on hand, just in case. Depending on terrain, a bicycle could make pretty good time also.
Its even harder for me to travel the 6 miles as I don't own a car anymore the only member in the family who drives is my grandad
That sucks D: With a car 6 miles is nothing, My work is 13 miles away and it only takes 15 minutes if I take the freeway. My birds vet is about 20/25 minutes away as it's 17 miles away.
We have a Vet here in Paignton, that is supposed to be Avian... Well, when I paid them a visit, I could not get out of there quick enough!! The Vet didnt even know what species of Parrot Codie was :eek::eek: He also asked me to hold her as he had never handled a Parrot.. I politely told him, I would find a qualified Avian Vet:11: I have now had one recommended to me which is about 8 miles away, but at least they know what they are doing.. Thank goodness :)

Same here, Margaret took Casper to our local vet to have his nails clipped and was not impressed. At least they didn't claim to be Avian specialists. They took him into another room to do the job so Margaret couldn't see what they actually did which wasn't very satisfactory. For medical matters we take him to the Vets next to Maidstone hospital which is about twenty minutes away in the car.
Hey Paul, maybe you could volunteer at your local vet and see what being a vet is all about, wouldn't hurt if you needed their services either. I did landscaping,painting,dog walking etc at my vet's office to help with my large bills, worked out great for all involved. Not to mention all the fresh fish i dropped off there.
Hey Paul, maybe you could volunteer at your local vet and see what being a vet is all about, wouldn't hurt if you needed their services either. I did landscaping,painting,dog walking etc at my vet's office to help with my large bills, worked out great for all involved. Not to mention all the fresh fish i dropped off there.

Hey Richard I'm going to see about it as it shouldn't be a problem for me with us knowing and being friends with all them at our local vet

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